View Full Version : Liquid Glass Abrasiveness?

06-05-2002, 09:36 PM
I posted all this on F-150online. I`m simply cuttin` and pastin here for u all to enjoy and comment on, etc. this is like four posts combine so they might skip around a little... You`ll get the idea of things though.

I was at pepboys earlier today trying to get a soft brush to do a convertible top with. Don`t know what happened to mine. Grrr

Well, anyways, I saw the Liquid Glass that people suggested on this board before. It comes in a 16oz can and cost $17.99!!!!!

Well, I bought it anyways so I could compare it to Klasse and zaino. I just got to do some research on the product and I`m not liking what I hear. Some guy said he used it on his car regularly and it stripped the clearcoat! Another guy saies is offers no durability and will only last about two weeks. He saies the people who use it often have a great shine because every time they use Liquid Glass it is stipping off some paint and exposing new paint!

Now this is what really strikes me as odd!

The front of the bottle says "Clear Coat Safe Contains NO Abrasives" But when I flip to the side it says "Mild Inert Cleaning Agent" Now, to me that means it has an abrasive in it. I also saw a picture of an old bottle where it use to say "Low-Micro Abrasives" inplace of "Mild Inert Cleaning Agent." Hmmm makes you wonder!

On the back it also saies to apply it with a coarse cotton cloth. Ok that is just a weird suggetion.

It also saies some color may appear on your cloth. Now... Wouldn`t that mean it has abrasives in it removing paint? I guess that Coarse Cotton cloth you are using to apply it could also be what is removing paint

I think I might have a test to see if it has abrasives. Be back in a few.

Ok first test shows Liquid Glass to have abrasive or swirl hiding properties.

I wetsanded some Plexiglas (Bottle of Liquid Glass saies it works on plexiglas) with 2000 grit sandpaper.

I then applied three waxes to seperate areas and then left part without anything on it.

I applied Eagle One Pure Carnauba wax which contains no cleaners or abrasives to one section. The next section I applied Meguiar`s #6 Cleaner wax. Then the next I applied Liquid Glass. I let them haze and buffed them off.

Eagle One Pure Carnauba made no difference in look. It just made the surface over the sandpaper marks really slick like there were no sandpaper marks there.

Meguiar`s #6 reduced the sandpaper marks and made the surface slick also.

Liquid Glass also reduced the swirls and made the surface slick.

I`m gonna do another test on some paint in a little bit.

Ok the next test is underway.

I have a panel that is painted blue and I sanded it down with 2000 grit sandpaper. I boxed off four little boxes in the middle and left the edges exposed all around to show what it looked like when it was sanded. Also, the areas under the masking tape will stay sanded. So, in the end when I take the masking tape off we will have areas to compare it to.

On the top left corner I`m applying ProWax`s Satin Creme. A product which should not contain any abrasives but we`ll find out. This is being applied with a foam pad

On the top right I`m going to do one coat of Klasse All-In-One and then start putting coats of Klasse Sealant Glaze on. The Klasse All-In-One should be the only one which has abrasives. Klasse Sealant Glaze should just be a protective coating. Both products being applied with suggested Microfiber applicators.

In the botton left I have Meguiar`s #6 Cleaner Wax. A wax which has a polish in it. I expect it will probably remove a lot of the sandpaper marks. Product being applied by Foam pad

And finally in the bottom right I have Liquid Glass. Product being applied by the suggested cotton towel. (Not a coarse one of course. I don`t have any coarse towels.)

All products will be buffed off with microfiber towels. If product doesn`t come off easy some water will be misted ont he surface.

Ok, I`ve got one coat of each product on and am about to put the first coat of Klasse SG on. I have a picture I`ll post in a bit of the panel before any products were applied.

OK here is picture of panel before any products were applied. This is in a dark room with an angled light. Not a bright one though. Future pictures I hope to have pulled my halogens out for but you can still see the areas have been sanded.

4 blocks have been divided but no products applied!


06-05-2002, 11:52 PM
OK I just buffed off a coat of everything.

So far one coat applied of everything

ProWax`s Satin Creme. Sandpaper marks are still very visible but area now looks wet and is slick

Meguiar`s #6 Cleaner wax. Sandpaper marks are still there but faded slightly. Slight and very wet looking!

Klasse AIO - after application of it area was somewhat shinny and a lot of the sandpaper marks were gone. Still visilble though. Now have one coat of Klasse SG on.

Liquid Glass - WOW! This square is the wettest looking out of all of them! A lot of the sandpaper marks are gone so we know it has abrasvice qualities but the shine! WOW!!! Amazing! Might even be better than Klasse AIO and Klasse SG! I`ll have to wait until I get more coats of Klasse SG on though.

06-06-2002, 02:06 AM
Very interesting! :up Did you get a proportionate amount of paint pulling off on your applicators, kind of like DK`s propeller test?

06-06-2002, 06:54 AM
Originally posted by Intel486

OK I just buffed off a coat of everything.

Liquid Glass - WOW! This square is the wettest looking out of all of them! A lot of the sandpaper marks are gone so we know it has abrasvice qualities but the shine! WOW!!! Amazing! Might even be better than Klasse AIO and Klasse SG! I`ll have to wait until I get more coats of Klasse SG on though.

I have used liquid glass afew times. The shine is quite incredible, it almost does look like a coat of glass over the finish. Unfortunetly it doesn`t seam to last very long in my experiances.

06-06-2002, 03:31 PM
LOL, I sent Liquid Glass an email about the testing I have done and here is their response.

Dear Dave:

Liquid Glass Polish/Finish does not contain abrasives of any kind and cannot, and will not, remove clear coat paint finishes.

If you find that Liquid Glass Polish/Finish is removing paint during your

testing, it is due to the weakening of the integrity of the paint finish

during your sanding/cleaning with other products prior to applying Liquid

Glass Polish/Finish.

Liquid Glass Pre-Cleaner can be used to clean the paint surface prior to

application of Liquid Glass Polish/Finish. Pre-Cleaner uses microscopic size

abrasives to clean chemically. This very mild cleaner is also clear coat

safe and will not damage the paint surface.

Thank you for your e-mail.


Michael Trueba Jr.

06-06-2002, 11:38 PM
Originally posted by Intel486

If you find that Liquid Glass Polish/Finish is removing paint during your

testing, it is due to the weakening of the integrity of the paint finish

during your sanding/cleaning with other products prior to applying Liquid

Glass Polish/Finish.

makes sense to me... still a bit pricey product for me...

question. can you layer #26 or other good carnauba on top? thanks

06-07-2002, 12:41 AM
Originally posted by theveed

makes sense to me... still a bit pricey product for me...

question. can you layer #26 or other good carnauba on top? thanks

can layer whatever you want ontop of it.

It does product a nice glass like finish though. I`m still wondering how abrasive it really is though.

06-07-2002, 12:55 AM
hmm... sounds good enough for me to try it (again), the last time I used this product was around 94.. hehe... don`t know if the composition is the same... but I do recall that it was less abrasive than Nu Finish... I felt that Nu Finish`s odor could knock me out cold hehe...

I`ll repost here after I purchase L.G.

thanks... :)

06-07-2002, 12:57 AM
Originally posted by Intel486

It does product a nice glass like finish though. I`m still wondering how abrasive it really is though. I was going to do my own test on LG, but if I can get my used Klasse I won`t be. One test I imagined to see if it was abrasive or not was to find a finished painted surface, like a floor jack, tool box, etc., and rub some LG on a cloth over it for a while. I`d also rub some polishing compound on the test paint to see how easily paint pulled off it. I`d also test a non-cleaner/abrasive wax on it as well. If the LG cloth pulled paint but the pure wax doesn`t then I would conclude it had abrasives. All very controlled and scientific.

I`d also do a side-by-side layering test comparing 1 layer to multiple layers, since layering is another question mark. (Everything LG says indicates it does layer though.)

Maybe you`d like to give this a shot? :)