View Full Version : Just received Zaino

06-04-2002, 10:00 PM
I opened the box and I was surprised at the contents. I found the Z-2 bottle and a little box with the ZFX and some mixing bottles. I don`t know what I expected the ZFX to look like, but this was not it.

On to my question: When you are mixing the Z-2 with the ZFX, how much Z-2 do you use? I have a 325i and I was planning on 2 coats. Anyone have any idea how to measure 1-2 oz. by pouring?

Thank you.

06-04-2002, 10:03 PM
Those bottles are 2oz each. Just eyeball half way. The size of the ZFX suprises plenty of folks, but don`t worry. It will go a long, long way.

One oz. should yield 3-4 coats if you go thin.

06-04-2002, 10:04 PM
The ZFX mixing bottles are two ounces, so you can eyeball it from there. I used a ruler to make marks in 1/2 ounce increments on my bottles.

1 ounce should be plenty for 2 coats on your bimmer.