View Full Version : Buffer marks from the PC?

06-04-2002, 07:04 PM
I detailed my 2002 Pathfinder (Black) this past weekend. I started with a good wash, then clay, SMR, OG omega glaze and a coat of Blitz. I applied the SMR with my PC at around a 5 speed. I noticed when i was done with a section, wiped it clean, it looked like i had buffer marks left on the paint. After fllowing up with the glaze and polish, it looked like all was well.

After letting my truck sit out at work and subsequently collecting a little dust, i could still see buffer marks. I got home and was able to wipe the hood down and it looked perfect once again.

Well, after work today, i noticed what still looked like buffer marks.

Short story long, what am i dealing with here, is it possible for the PC to leave marks? Did i use the PC at too high of a speed? will i just need to re-do the hood at a lower speed?

Any suggestions?

TIA, MotorHead

06-04-2002, 07:13 PM
I suggest not going to work! :D


P.S. I have never had my PC do that to me.... Was the pad perfectly clean? Thats about the only way I can see that could happen....

06-04-2002, 07:42 PM
Thanks Jeff, The one thing I find interesting is, the buffer marks aren`t all over the hood of the truck, just in certain places. I can also wipe the area clean and it looks perfect.

The pad wasn`t new but used just once and cleaned after.

Outside of not going to work, i may end up having to re-do the hood (no other area has this problem)

Strange stuff.

06-04-2002, 07:51 PM
You say you wiped the hood down. With what?

I`m thinking what you`re seeing is micromarring in the product itself. Or possibly the product isn`t fully cured. It`s very odd to see swirls then not see them then see them again.

06-04-2002, 08:23 PM
Bretfaz, I just used a towel to wipe it down. Like i said, it was perfect afterwords. I seems like i`m only able to see it when i get some dust on it and then it takes on the appearence of a haze.

I was thinking it was uncured product but i`m kinda new to the One Grand product line.

Thanks again

PS, the Omega glaze and Blitz combo left a awesome shine.

06-04-2002, 08:53 PM
The PC won`t leave buffer burns, it does not create enough heat. My guess would be either the abrasive did not totally break down or the marks could have been caused during the claying process.

"Work" the polish at lower speeds for a longer period of time and gradually build up to a higher speed, this will ensure the abrasive will have time to properly break down. :up

06-04-2002, 09:13 PM
Thanks Lincoln, I don`t know if the buffer actually made burn marks in the paint seeing it looks perfect after wiping it down. But i definately see the swirls the buffer makes.

I just wiped it down with a MF towel (instead of a cotton towel) to see if that would help.I also used a 500 watt lamp to get a better look and the paint looks fine. I may just have built up/uncured product. I don`t know how long it takes for this product to cure. I`ll keep ya posted.

Thanks for the speed tips(I`m new to the PC as well)

I have used the same procedure on my other car and don`t have this problem (it`s midnight blue)

06-04-2002, 09:25 PM
i think this would be defined as the "haze" many people get when they use a PC for the first few times.

If you don`t break down the SMr enough will leave a haze an dno tlook right, afaik the only real cure for it is to go over the area agaain with the SMR.

My technique has given me no hazing and it is:

1. Apply about a dimedrop size of SMr to the center of the pad

2. Set the pad down on the paint and turn on to 2 and spread evenly in slow overlapping strokes with moderate pressure, go back over with pressure.

3. Move up to 3-4 and apply lighter pressure and go over the section again

4. Move to 6 and Go over the section with lgith to no pressure, the SMR should jsut be a light haze now and you shouldnt see any white and it should be VERY easy to wipe off, almost as easy as zaino.


06-04-2002, 09:26 PM
When i used Blitz on top of IHG the same thing happend, i stripped it all off with dawn than just applied Blitz no IHG that solved the problem.

06-04-2002, 11:36 PM
I have seen marks that could only have been made by the orbital. I have to be in the right light to see them - they are tiny semi-circles, about 1/4 to 3/16" in diameter. (Haven`t measured them - just a guess.) Sometimes they make the black paint look like it has a little metal flake in it.

I am not sure what caused it, but my leading guess would be the unfortunate but not unlikely side-effect of having found a piece of dust/dirt/grit while polishing, having it trapped in the pad for a while. It is also possible I did it when I tried some meguiars` "dual action cleaner-polish" before I understood how to work the material until the abrasives broke down.

06-05-2002, 06:55 PM
I wiped the hood down one more time with a MF towel and it looks better but it seems like I`ll need to strip it down and start from scratch.

The speed tips for the PC were a definate help, it was sort of hit and miss on that.

Thanks everyone, your help is appreciated.