View Full Version : Engine Detailing

06-03-2002, 05:04 PM
I was surfing around K-mart today and found the CD-2 Engine Detailing Kit for $7.09 each. There were 4 of them and all the way on the bottom shelf.

Pictured here,


I was wondering is this product safe and how would you go about using it?

I decided not to buy it since the lines are so long at this particular K-mart. Only if they had an express line but waiting 30 - 45 minutes for one CD-2 engine detailing kit is just too long. I`ll get it next time if I get the thumbs up.

Ok, I read almost all the threads (ok maybe almost all the threads since this forum was started) related to engine detialing and David B`s article, I`m just a little nervous about detailing the engine. I am sure it is safe if done properly but I just need some reassurance.



C. Charles Hahn
06-03-2002, 07:15 PM
I know people on the forum who recommend that product...... I`ve never used it personally, I just stick to the simple green method, and use some Meguiar`s Natural Shine Protectant to dress the rubber/plastic/etc. under the hood....... its just good (semi-cheap) dressing I can use, that looks just as good IMHO.


Antonio Wright
06-03-2002, 07:18 PM
Very easy to use. Very nice shine. On more thing don`t buy it from K-MART, 7.09 is crazy. Target was selling that shizzle for 4.99.


06-03-2002, 07:22 PM
Thanks for the heads up. I`ll see if I can get to Target, but might end up just getting it from K-mart because the closest Target to me is like a 45-60 minute drive.

I`ll probably write a review on it if I get it. I kight just take the easy way out and use Valugard`s Engine degreaser followed up with Lexol vinyl dressing and QD.


06-03-2002, 08:30 PM
Jason, dont waste your time with that CD-2 stuff. Use your favorite degreaser then allow the engine to dry then use the new Meguiars Engine Kote. Works really well....I`ll post some pics when I get the chance.