View Full Version : How do I fix this, black BMW ti

06-03-2002, 02:31 PM
This is a close up picture of my paint on my hood of my `95 bmw. Any suggestions on how to fix this? It is a close up picture then the larger picture. It looks worse than it is. The paint just doesn`t seem to obtain the gloss that the rest of the car has. I just purchased a PC.





06-03-2002, 03:48 PM
Our new 2002 black Av`s hood is a little like that up close, but is much smoother & glassier looking than your paint. I have used Klasse, but will be applying some Platinum soon.

06-03-2002, 03:58 PM
It`s hard to tell from just a pic but i will take a guess, it looks like acid rain damage, chipped paint and scratches. The clear coat also may be failing, but it`s very hard to tell from a pic, i think it`s acid rain.

One ? have you had the hood repainted? it has a bit of an orange peel look to it, but bad acid rain can cause it to look a bit like OP.

Thr only way to fix a problem like acid rain that bad is to wet sand, than compound the finish.

06-03-2002, 04:24 PM
I was gonna say............

That look like just a bad paint job. Based on the pic it may not be worth saving. Maybe color sanding if there`s enough paint to sand off.

Sorry, but I don`t see a simple remedy to this one. Didn`t you say in a previous thread that your car had been repainted in several places?

06-03-2002, 10:51 PM
I finally had a chance to take a look at my hood indetail and try out the PC.

My landlords are out of town and had a chance to pull the car in the garage after the gym tonight. I cleaned the hood up and clayed the hood.

What I did notice after that was done is alot of scratches, water spots etched into the clear and many small paintchips and some not that small (rust starting). Also there are many small pits in the paint.

The car has been a daily driver since late `99 putting over 50K on it since then, rain, snow,sun ect. The car is also parked outside all the time near a pine tree and there is a cherry tree nearby as well (nasty bird crap!!)

Now for the PC. After the clay I tried some Meguiars #7 on the PC with the white pad. Made a little difference in increasing the shine but not much to clean up the finish. Just happend to have it on hand and decided to give it a try.

Next was the SMR with the PC and a white pad. Now that did make a difference. From what I could tell there is hardly any more swirls and the finish is much better looking. The small pits in the paint still seem to be there and the scratches are there but greatly reduced. After that I tried the Meguiars #7 again and then layed a layer of mothers carnuba on top of it. It was kinda hard to tell how good the finish was as all I had to work by was a single flouresent light. I probably could of done a better job as I only did half the hood and only took a half hour to do every thing.

I will be able to tell more when I see the car in the morning how it really turned out.

I did mention before that I am almost shure that the rear quarter panel was painted over at onetime due to feathering of the paint at the ege of the door and that I have several receipts from the previous owner for body work on the passengerside, but no detail on what was done.

I am sure that with time my technique and results will get better with the PC.

Todd Davis

06-04-2002, 12:28 AM
Good to hear that you made things look better.

The small pits are from acid rain i could see them it the pic, the only way to remove them is with 1500 or 2000 grit wet- dry sandpaper and than a compound, but that may remove to much clear coat. The best fix for the problem would be to repaint the hood or the vehicle.

Good luck. :)

06-04-2002, 08:43 AM
Well I don`t think I will repaint the whole car but I might eventualy do the hood. I already have damage on the car that needs to be fixed. A deer ran into the side of my car, took off the mirror and bent the door all up. The door looks decent as it is only a bunch of ripples here and there but the window frame is dent and many of the dents are close to character lines in the body and would take a lot to fix. I made the mistake of taking the money from the insurance company to fix a couple of other things on the car at that time and then was going to pay for the body work myself. Well the insurance company and the bodyshop seriously underestimated the cost of the repair and now I am stuck without enought money to properly fix the damage. I most likely will have to replace the whole passenger door as it will be cheaper.

For now the condition of the hood is good enough for me as it is far from the condition of many other cars on the forums. I have other cars that are in much better condition than the BMW that I can keep at concours condition.

Todd Davis


06-04-2002, 11:45 PM
You did the right thing - started with the gentle attempts, proceed to more aggressive things if you`re not satisfied. You have probably made it look a lot better - but my guess is there is nothing you can do about the pits. I have them on the hood of my BMw, and I have them on the hood of my Porsche.

They are the price you pay for driving, I`m afraid. If you want to get really depressed, look at them under a 10x Loupe.

What I can tell you is that some products will leave residue in those pits, and it will turn white, making them look even worse. I`m still trying to find a way to deal with this. It sucks.

Redcar GUY
06-04-2002, 11:56 PM
wish I had more info to help, But I can say that I really like the BMW!!!!!:xyxthumbs