View Full Version : Hazing/cloudiness

06-02-2002, 09:43 PM
Ok well were do i begin. I have a 2001 Lexus is 300 and yes folks its BLACK. I am an anal freak about this paint i mean wax almost every 2 weeks, polish it with meguiars show car #7 with PC use pinnacle souveran as wax and the PPCL. I have a PC i use microfibers, basically same thing everyone has here. I live in Naples FLorida. Well my problem, when i wax it looks great but after out in the sun or a couple days later i see this cloudiness or hazing that looks like the wax trail of how i waxed. Now if i use like Eagle WET QD it will go away. The next day it comes back. What can it be people. In desperate need tell me what i need to buy to fix this LOL.

Bobby G
06-03-2002, 08:11 AM
I often have the same problem. In my case, it`s caused by the salt air from the ocean. Darrr Matey!

06-03-2002, 11:03 AM
Salt air sucks! Not to be irrelavent but this weekend, I had just washed and QD`d the car, looked so nice, and decided to spend the day at the beach. Got there, parked the car, went out and played in the water, sat by a fire, Etc. Come back to the car to find out that the wind had been blowing sand all over the car, and the car was covered with this fog/haze of nasty, sand/goo like coating. really pissed me off. Went home that night and decided I had to wash the car. Started washing, then it got dark and I could not dry the damn thing because of the dew. So....