View Full Version : While waiting for products to come in...

06-01-2002, 08:11 AM
Good morning....

I`ve got a one week old new black truck and since I bought it,

I really haven`t done anything to yet. I`m still waiting for all my stuff to come in that I`ve ordered online.

(ie. Klasse twins.. QD, Meg car wash, MFI, Meg#9, Souv..etc...)

In the mean time, what should I do keep it up while waiting?

I already have Dawn, the magic clay bar, some MFs, but that`s about it. Should I just wait till everything arrives to properly do a good exterior detail? I was hesitant to just wash it down with a hose and then dry etc.

I saw Meguire`s QD at Walmart last night. Maybe I should have picked some up. But I figure, I already ordered their FI. Should I go back and get it?

I hate this waiting for my stuff! It`s a nice cloudy morning right now! lol. Oh well. Any suggestions please!


06-01-2002, 09:01 AM
Dude, chill out ;)

Don`t waste the $$ on the QD; it`s the same stuff as FI but with silicone in it and a different fragrance.

If you *gotta* do something, I`d just wash it and try not to wreck it or hit anything. Maybe use the clay on a few areas to get the feel of it.

Do you have enough applicators (foam and terry) to do all this work? What about 100% cotton towels for cleaning? Have you washed the MF`s to remove excess lint? Do you have the needed brushes and related tools? Have you prepped the work area? Is your schedule clear so you can do the job without interruption?

Not raggin on ya, just tryin to keep ya occupied until the stuff comes in. :D

06-01-2002, 09:21 AM
Just wait....you are making more work for yourself!

06-01-2002, 09:31 AM
I`m getting everything little by little and learning alot from this forum. I`ve washed the MF`s, still need to get brushes and related tools, apps are on the way. No problem raggin... that`ll keep me occupied while waiting, thanks. Also I`m not a dude... :D . Thanks for all the advice though!

06-02-2002, 09:22 PM
Congrats on the truck! What kind is it? A few weeks ago I got a black Ranger Edge. I love it. Anyways, congrats and good luck keeping it looking good. I know I`m having fun learning proper care for it. Washed it again yesterday and for once, no water spots! :D I use the Meguiar`s QD, but I wouldn`t buy any if you have the FI coming. Just chill out until it arrives. You`ll need the rest. Congrats and Good Luck.


06-02-2002, 11:10 PM
Thanks. It`s an `03 Ford Expedition. I must say I didn`t properly know how to actually care for my previous

Expy (`00 red -leased). I mean, I washed it, kept the interior clean, but I didn`t know any better as far as detailing..etc. It`s so different now that I own this one, not to mention it`s black. My ex thinks it`s funny cause he sees me being so anal now with it, especially when we`re out... I keep dragging him into the auto section. I enjoy it though.

Congrats on your new truck too.

06-03-2002, 01:52 AM
im a beginner too, and i was in the same process as you were. my advice is just wait until you have everything together then go for it, but make sure to take your time and not rush into anything, because if you do you will make mistakes like i did. have fun detailing!
