View Full Version : Liquid Lustre... Anyone tried?

05-30-2002, 03:46 PM
I was just wonering if anyone had tried a wax called Liquid Lustre. I picked up a bottle for $20 at the Houston Auto Show a few weeks back. It seems to protect and shine well, but ive only used it twice and have no pics.

Shine was comparable to Meguiars Gold Class, or Zymol Creame, not as clear as P21S, not as dull as Zymol Cleaner Wax.

The Liquid Lustre stuff is pink, and runny. It smells funny but the guy guaranteed it to protect (bead water) for 6 months. He dropped Hydrochloric acid, set the paint on fire, and even rubbed sand paper on it. He made the waxed finish seem in-destructable. So I bought a bottle. Anyone else tried it?


05-30-2002, 03:48 PM
I also have a bottle from the bigE in mass. It does put a nice shine on but durability is short lived.

easy to use,nice shine

protection fades quickly

05-30-2002, 06:14 PM
I have some too. Tried it on a small area. Didn`t do much polishing and didn`t seem to last too long. Shine was pretty good. Someday I`ll use it on an older car to see how well it really works but I don`t expect miracles.

Have you smelled it? WHEW! Strong solvents in there.

05-30-2002, 07:06 PM
My mom had some on the shelve in her garage. As always, first thing I did with it was smell it, very bad bad smell. I just can`t use it if it smells that bad. I`m kinda strange now about detailing, gotta have that good smelling protectant.

05-30-2002, 08:07 PM
An aquaintance of mine use to use it on his drag car. Since his car always looked good, I tried some. Easy to use and a great shine, but a total dust magnet, (at least for me), so he now has my bottle as well. Must have lots of oils in it to attract the dust the way it did. Oh, and this was probably three years ago. I have no idea if they are still using the same formula.


05-30-2002, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by thevolvoguy

The Liquid Lustre stuff is pink, and runny. It smells funny but the guy guaranteed it to protect (bead water) for 6 months. He dropped Hydrochloric acid, set the paint on fire, and even rubbed sand paper on it. He made the waxed finish seem in-destructable. So I bought a bottle.


That right there ought to make the little lightbulb go off....

Any product advertised in thiat manner is usually a complete joke. There is a trick to EVERY single one of those tests, and none of them have anything to do with how great the LL product is or how well it protects. However, it does make great marketing hype which is what draws in unsuspecting buyers. These are your modern day "snake oil" sellers going from show to show demonstrating what a miracle they have bottled... But, it worked then, and it still works now....

Also, Z Best, Beats Um All, and Liquid Lustre are all about the same product just under different labels...