View Full Version : Klasse, Blackfire or Zaino on Black Nissan?

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05-28-2002, 11:34 PM
Ok I have used 3m polish and blitz on my black SE-R Spec V. Then recently switched to zaino. I just keep reading that there is better stuff for a black car. I have no problem waxing my car every week or 2. So I am trying to figure out which is best for a black car, zaino, blackfire or klasse? Which of these is easier to put on and won`t leave marks on rubber. It is hard to sift through all the threads and just want 1 comparison between these 3 sealants. And which stores are good to get klasse and blackfire from. Thank you.

05-28-2002, 11:57 PM
For black paint, I`d suggest Souveran or Meguiars Gold Class(Gold Class especially if you don`t mind rewaxing every other week(and don`t want to spring for $ouveran:p ))

Zaino can look good on black, but it takes quite a few layers before it starts to get deep and wet...

I`ve heard BlackFire was good for wetness, but just don`t use their wash-very acidic-more so than Dawn(there was a thread a while back done by a chemist!)

Klasse SG, five layers, would also look very nice and add that `polymer` protection. Plus, you can top it off with a nice carnauba(you already have Blitz:xyxthumbs ) for an even wetter look.

You can find blackfire at www.autogeek.net, souveran at CMA or www.xvworld.com

It`s all very subjective, but the fun in detailing is experimenting and finding your niche.

Good Luck!

...and let us know how it turns out!!

05-29-2002, 12:08 AM
First of all i would like to say that Zaino is a very good product on black, but a black car with Klasse+Pinnacle souveran wax or Blackfire looks better than one with Zaino, in my opinion. Blackfire is easer to use than Klasse and you can do 3 layers in one day. They are all very good products, you can`t go wrong with any of them.

You can only buy Blackfire from http://properautocare.com/ They also sell Klasse.

http://tacscar.com/ Is also a good place to buy Klasse.

05-29-2002, 12:12 AM
their wash-very acidic, :nono Alkaline.:)

05-29-2002, 12:54 AM
Ok so if I switch from zaino to blackfire, do I need to do anything special? clay the car down? I like the idea of not having to wait so long for the stuff to dry, thats a pain in the b*tt.

05-29-2002, 12:58 AM
I should also ask since it seems that Zaino brings out swirl marks do any of these do a better job of hiding the swirls?

05-29-2002, 03:57 AM
If the paint is smooth as glass no need to clay, but you do need to remove the Zaino so that the new product can bond correctly. If you have swirls you can use a polish like 3M`s Perfect-it swirl mark remover or 3M`s Finisse-it2 this will not only remove the swirls but also the Zaino. If the paint is in tip top shape all you need to do is to use a good paint cleansing lotion like Blackfire`s polish, Pinnacle-PCL or P21S-GEPC they all work well. After you use PPCL or P21S wash the car with Dawn, this will remove any oil from the paint cleaners, if you use Klasse all in one or if you are using the BF products no need to Dawn wash the paint the AIO will remove the oils and the BF products work together.

Zaino`s Z5 does an ok job at hiding very very light swirls, have you used Z5? In my book Klasse AIO and SG work a bit better at hiding swirls than Z5. Blackfire works will as long as you use the BF polish first, it does not last that long something like two washes. It`s best to remove all the swirls befor you wax or seal the paint, it`s all in the prep work.

05-29-2002, 11:33 AM
Yeah I was using the normal Z-whatever and Z-5. The swirls I am almost sure came about when the Nissan dealer decided to wash my car after it had the floormat recall. I was so pissed. I am supposed to take it in Friday and have them look at it. I am pretty sure I will try switching to Klasse. The Nissan dealer said they would use a polish to take the swirls out. Do I dare let them touch my car since they ruined it the first time. It`s only 3 months old too. My mom even notices the swirls.

05-29-2002, 02:39 PM
I would not let them touch my car, if you can do it yourself, do you have a PC polisher? You can use it and a 3M swirl remover to remove the swirls. If the swirls are deep you may need a fine compound like 3M`s Finisse- it2 to remove them.

You should check out the Autopia Ebook, it will give you all the info on swirl removal and the products to use and how to use them, i`m just to lazy to write it all ought for you.:p

05-29-2002, 03:34 PM
Travanx, Listen to Andre...He`s definitely one of the most knowledgeable & respected detailers here. :up

But just out of curiousity, if BF only lasts two or three washes, wouldn`t one be better off just using Souveran, P21S or Blitz?

05-29-2002, 04:31 PM
I guess I will stick to zaino. But I want to totally strip it and start all over by claying the car. How do I get zaino off easily? Does the clay do it?

05-29-2002, 04:51 PM
The easiest way to strip anything off your car is with Dawn. Just mix up a bucket of water and Dawn dishwashing liquid and it will get it all off. You don`t want to do the Dawn wash very often though. Maybe once a year. It isn`t really healthy to do it more than that. Kinda like smoking. One won`t kill you but you don`t want to have one all the time. :)

05-29-2002, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by travanx

I guess I will stick to zaino. But I want to totally strip it and start all over by claying the car. How do I get zaino off easily? Does the clay do it?

If I understand correctly, you have ZAINO on the car now and wish to strip Z off and start all over. If your paint is in good condition (no visible swirls) then IMO it`s waste of time to strp Zaino. Just clay it to remove the contaminants and put more Z on. Clay will probably not remove all the Zaino (depending on how heavy you clay it), but it really doen`t matter because you do not need to strip Z TOTALLY then put more on. Sometimes I don`t understand why people wish to strip ALL the Z off if they are not going to polish the car down.

If you are going to polish the car to remove swirls then this step will totally remove Zaino and you don`t need to bother with Dawn wash. You might want to use DAWN afterwards to remove all the oils from the polish if you are very anal about it to ensure correct bonding, but personally I just use Z7 wash.

05-29-2002, 05:37 PM
"The easiest way to strip anything off your car is with Dawn. Just mix up a bucket of water and Dawn dishwashing liquid and it will get it all off. You don`t want to do the Dawn wash very often though. Maybe once a year. It isn`t really healthy to do it more than that. Kinda like smoking. One won`t kill you but you don`t want to have one all the time."

Actually, Dawn won`t strip Zaino, even ask Sal.:D

Also, one claying won`t remove it, either. I`m planning to do one as soon as I get my summer order!:xyxthumbs

Zaino is very durable!

05-29-2002, 06:09 PM
Hmmmm.... Well, if it is that tough then may I suggest a jack hammer and plenty of lube. :D Maybe use acid rain for the lube. That might wear it down. ;)