View Full Version : CHEMICALs

05-28-2002, 01:36 PM
There has been several posts recently about "chemicals" and harmfull products. Like Meguiar`s #26 for example....I don`t like the product, so I guess I don`t have to worry. But it is, a popular product. Am I missing something? What`s up here? I don`t drink the stuff, or polish my ride in a sealed paper bag. I`m trying to be serious, but come on. How long before any damage? 20-30 years using these products in 7x7 non-ventalated enclosed garage everyday? Should I be cautious detailing around pregnant women & children? I can dig science & biology & awareness but what are we talking here. I`m not a chemist, but will I someday see a Surgeon General`s Warning on my polish & wax?:nixweiss



05-28-2002, 01:44 PM
I`d kinda like to know too since I`m using these chemcial everyday.

05-28-2002, 08:22 PM
I am pretty sure that Petroleum Distillates can be carcinogenic. Thats why I limit my intake to one spoonful of Souveran per day..... :nono

H :shocked

05-29-2002, 08:14 AM
Personally I think that if you look at anything in terms of the MSDS you will find components with the possibility of dangerous side effects because that is what the MSDS is for. In all reality I would put little creedence to it. A person would probably have to consume a large quantity or be bathed in it before any negative results would occur. After all the MSDS is designed and used to treat poisoning that may occur from a product.

Just my .02

05-29-2002, 08:36 AM
Good tip...get the MSDS and read them...understand what the MSDS is for....Anything in large quantities is not good for the body.

05-29-2002, 08:42 AM
not in acronym list : MSDS?

05-29-2002, 08:51 AM
MSDS = Material Safety Data Sheet

05-29-2002, 08:54 AM
MSDS is a government required thingy for products workers use in their job so they can get proper protection from these products and medical help knows what to do.

05-29-2002, 09:04 AM
Fact of the matter is that the chemicals are not good for you, and the affects of those chemicals are listed on the MSDS. Quantities and exposure limits are the key to understanding it all. Those are also usually describes on the MSDS. Whether or not the average person can interpret those #`s is an entirely different story.

It`s easier just to avoid exposure if it worries you . Do this by wearing protective gear designed to stop the appropriate chemicals (gloves, respirator, etc). Or just dont use the products that contain those chemicals, which probably means stop detailing your car.

05-29-2002, 09:44 AM
This is a big issue with the car washing trade. There are some chemicals used in products that can be lethal if you come into contact with them. Here`s an article discussing hydrofluoric acid. (http://www.carwash.com/article.asp?indexid=4230101) It`s used for serious cleaning jobs but has been found in wheel cleaners, tire cleaners, and other products.

Ammonium Bifluoride is another dangerous chemical used in stuff like wheel cleaners. Read this article to learn more about ammonium bifluoride. (http://www.carwash.com/article.asp?indexid=6631269)

Yeah, MSDS helps with the hard info about what`s in products. But if you do not undertand what the chemicals are and, more importantly, how they can affect you then its useless info to most people.

So it`s smart to be careful when using harsh chemicals and a little common sense goes along way here. Wear protection, use products in well ventilated areas, use products as directed...........come on, y`all know the drill.

Just be sensible and alert and don`t do anything stupid and you`ll be OK. If you have questions regarding specific products, you are best off contacting the product mfr for details.