View Full Version : polymer technology

05-21-2002, 03:06 AM
im sure some of you read about polymers that have this chain linking technology. There is this belief that this can lead to paint cracking because this paint locking technology doesnt let the paint expand with the extreme temperatures. I know you polymer people would call this nonsense but does anyone believe in this? Carnauba tends to let paint expand.

Bobby G
05-21-2002, 08:42 AM
Your car`s paint is .006 to .008 inches thick. No sealants that I`m aware of apply with a film thicker than .0001 inches thick. How can a film that`s flexible and only .0001 inches thick cause paint that`s .008 inches to crack? It sounds like wax maker marketing FUD. ( IMHO of course ;) )

05-21-2002, 11:18 AM
Originally posted by DavidB

Your car`s paint is .006 to .008 inches thick. No sealants that I`m aware of apply with a film thicker than .0001 inches thick. How can a film that`s flexible and only .0001 inches thick cause paint that`s .008 inches to crack? It sounds like wax maker marketing FUD. ( IMHO of course ;) )

--->polymer sealants are thin film plastics that are flexible and can flex with your car`s paint and expand and contract thermally with the steel panels as well. Wax on the other hand, is hard and brittle. This will not cause the paint to crack, but is one of the reasons why carnuba is not durable. Its inability to contract and expand (flex) thermally with the car causes the system to break down, voids to form, and oils to leech out...........