View Full Version : Bad results with Souveran-Ideas?

05-20-2002, 10:00 PM
Hi folks,

well my initial elation with Souveran faded when I went to QD two days after application(with Pinnacles` Crystal Mist). The fibers from my MF application towel of the QD were streaking and sticking to the finish! It was like dragging dry clay over the surface-not slick at all.

I have never experienced this with Zaino before which I used for several years before trying Souveran for the first time, but I have always used Griot`s Speed Shine QD until I tried Souveran. I figured I should use their QD product.

This was my process for applying the Souveran:

1. Washed with Dawn to strip down and get all oils off.

2. Did NOT clay-surface was smooth from prior clay job about a month ago.

3. Applied PCL with PC, one panel at a time, allowed to haze for about 10 minutes, then buffed off.

4. Applied Souveran by hand, let haze for 10 mintues, then removed with PC MF bonnet.

I was astouned by the look, but two days later, I experienced the above when attempting to QD.

So I stripped with Dawn, applied Z1, and am now on my third coat of Z2. I have QD`d with Speed Shine once since the last coat and it worked just great.

I have read here that there is no shine like Soveran, and I would like to go back to it, but what did I do wrong that caused such as goofy mess with the QD?

05-20-2002, 10:36 PM
It seems like you’re applying it like Zaino. Most members believe that it is easiest to quickly “slap-on†a coat of Souveran and remove it as soon as possible. There is no need to let it haze and it won’t be a PITA to remove if applied thick.

It`s really a spread on, wipe off type of productâ€. very easy!

05-20-2002, 10:39 PM
I have no idea why you would have a problem with QDing after using Souveran. I have not run into any such problems at all, and I use Clearkote`s Quikshine QD.

05-20-2002, 11:22 PM
If you continue to be dissatisfied with Souveran then you should know that there is a very costly way to dispose of it. I`ll be a pal and absorb all the cost of disposal for you. Just mail it to me and I`ll take care of it for you. :D (Hey, I never said that it was costly for me to dispose of it. It will be costly for the owners of the cars I dispose it upon though. ;) )

05-20-2002, 11:27 PM
spray the surface of the car and the surface of the towel to get an adequate amount of QD

If you did use enough, was the car overly dusty?

Finally, your microfiber shouldn`t lint that much. Do a lint test on them, breathe on a mirror and take a clean dry fresh mf and rub it back and forth until dry. There should be minimal fibers if any on the glass.

05-21-2002, 07:59 AM
I have never had any problems at all with Souveran. I found the easiest was it to put it on and wipe it off right away. Do reason to let it dry. As far as QD goes, I have used Griots Speed Shine on it with no problems.