View Full Version : Argh! Just washed and I see faint water spots!

05-17-2002, 06:57 PM
Okay, 2 weeks ago I SMR`d, AIOx2, SGx3, SOUVx2 and it looked great. Since then, the car has been dry and in the garage and I have been de-dusting with CaliDuster and Pinnacle QD.

This past week, the car has been outside and it has rained quite a bit on it. It also has been thoroughly "pollenated."

I just washed it and when I dried it the particles left over looked like water spots. Y`know, the wierd shaped stains as opposed to the nice water beads that run off the car. As I dried it they disappeared and I can see no spots at all but what the heck is going on?

I am leaning toward the Souveran not protecting enough but should the Klasse SG allow that kind of adherence after two weeks. Tomorrow I`m going to Souveran the left side and Blitz the right side and see which lasts longer. Some opinions might be right. Souveran might have to be religated to the garage queen.

DK - I`m beginning to tire of the mystery of Klasse...:(

05-17-2002, 07:23 PM
Just an observation.

With Blitz i`ve noticed very little waterspoting.

05-17-2002, 10:15 PM
I do not think it is the wax that is the problem. I have noticed that the pollen creates a nightmare on car finishes. If left sitting on a car, it will eat right through your wax/polymer fast. I am assuming it is acidic as it also makes your eyes sting, etc., can anyone shed some light on this? I think your best bet is to wash the car regualrly until the pollen dies down a bit.

05-18-2002, 09:15 AM
Well, we`ll see. This morning I Blitz`d the entire car with the exception of the trunk lid. I hit that with Souveran. So we will see how it lasts vs the Blitz including washing etc.

The only other possible wierd thing I did with the Souveran previously is that I QD`s it with Wet One QD and not Pinnacle QD - maybe that is a bad thing. I don`t know.

So if I QD, I will QD with Pinnacle on 1/2 of the trunk and Wet One the other half. we`ll see.

And I`ll report back.

05-18-2002, 10:52 AM
I don`t think its a matter of protection... more like hard/bad water?


05-18-2002, 12:25 PM
Hi Acu,

Keep in mind Blitz cures in 4 days. Looks best then and this high

point lasts 2 weeks. QDing blitz before day 4 may produce mixed

results as wax is not cured yet.