View Full Version : Help: Marring/Swirls

05-17-2002, 05:01 PM
Thought I was doing everything correctly; 100% cotton mit from CMA; drying with initial Cali Waterblade and remainder with Neatitems MF terry then Zaino. Black Sapphire metalic; When done in certain light see lots of smear type swirls - definately tiny scratch marks, zillions! Gives it almost a wavy appearance in the sun if you know what I mean. Direction of marring is in direction of wash mitt or drying with the microfiber (horizontal across sides of car; waterblade and zaino in different direction - vertical and front to back). Suspecting the latter - MF towel. Probably drying incorrectly. Use Waterblade to push of much of the water. With MF then get rest, though in many areas there`s not much water and perhaps wiping a fairly dry MF over the surface is doing this - would this happen over surface without much water?. Sick over it. Any thoughts appreciated.

05-17-2002, 05:04 PM
Black will show swirls they form easily.

Search for swirls mark removers.

05-17-2002, 05:47 PM
go buy 3m hand glaze takes away the swirls (for how long I dont know)but I have a black car and 3m glaze hides the swirls and light scraches and what a shine

05-17-2002, 05:53 PM
Would like to delineate the mechanism in my detailing technique that`s causing this in order to minimize in the future. Can MF towels do this as in the setting I described above? thanks

05-17-2002, 06:06 PM
Thats why PC`s are so popular.

The only hint I can give is to rinse by sheeting. Then blow dry and finally wipe with a damp MF.

05-17-2002, 06:47 PM

With a black vehicle, you can probably always see some swirling, given the right lighting conditions (I`ve got a black F150). Go gently with the wash mit and make sure you`re using a good car wash/shampoo (otherwise, you may essentially be rubbing too much dirt back across the clearcoat in the process of removing it). For drying, I use the CMA big blue towels, but I don`t rub. I kind of "blot" with them; on a hood or roof, I blot, lift and relocate, then blot again (you did cut the tag off from the MF). A second big blue gets anything the first one missed. I personally wouldn`t touch the water blade, but other folks here use them and like them. If I recall correctly, zaino doesn`t do anything to hide swirls (I don`t use zaino, so don`t take this for gospel).

Don`t know if any of this helps, but since you`re trying to figure out the mechanism, thought I`d throw a few things out there.


05-17-2002, 08:49 PM
Pretty mush anything that touches the paint has a chance of inducing swirls