View Full Version : Does bug/tar cleaner remove polymer?

05-15-2002, 07:12 PM

On my new SUV I used Meguier`s #20 polymer on the top of the cab. the wheels, and on the front bumper fascia. The rest of the car surface I used Blitz. In the future I may polymer the whole vehicle AND use the Blitz on top of that occasionally. This time of year I`m getting a lot of bugs on the bumper fascia, and I`ve been using Stoner Tar/Bug Cleaner to remove them; it contains petroleum distillates/solvents. It works really well, but is this removing the polymer, too? Do you have to reapply polymer or wax everytime you wipe off the bugs with the tar/bug cleaner? Thanks.

05-15-2002, 10:31 PM
TO be safe I would...some stuff can dissolve and remove the polymers...heck rubbing alchohol can.

Good Luck

05-17-2002, 01:44 PM
Someone please response. I thought ( but I am not sure) that Stoners was a citrus acid product. If that is the case then Stoners would remover your polymer. Try to use the least abrasive product first then move up the scale as necessary just like when polishing.

If I am not sure of a product , I like to post just like you did to get feed back before trying the product.

good luck

05-17-2002, 07:18 PM
No, the Stoner Tar/Bug Spray is not a citrus product. It contains "petroleum distillates." You wash the area first, spray it on and let it sit about 30 seconds, then carefully wipe off with soft cloth, then rinse area well with water. It says not to let it dry on the finish. It is labelled as "clearcoat safe", however.

Stoner Xenit (http://www.cleanitwithxenit.com) may be the citrus-based product you are thinking about. It`s supposed to be a good cleaner for interiors, as well as around the house, but from the info at the website given, I`m not sure it is recommended to be used on auto exteriors.