View Full Version : Anyone use #26 and/or GC in paste form?

05-15-2002, 06:01 PM
I am about to pick up some GC or #26, and was going to pick up paste if I could, just because I prefer the economy and control. But it was mentioned by others on another thread that some people have experienced difficulty in buffing #26 in paste form. Can anyone with experience with GC or #26 in paste form chime in with their experience?

05-15-2002, 06:10 PM
I have Meguiar’s #26 in paste form. Honestly, it isn’t too hard to remove at all. There aren’t any problems with smearing and hazing, and the hard paste applies pretty easily and evenly. Removal isn’t hard… it still requires buffing and won’t just wipe off like Souveran or Zaino.

Just apply thin coats!

05-15-2002, 06:12 PM
Have you noticed any difference in shine or durability?

Yeah, I know about applying thin coats with carnauba. When I was first starting to learn to detail, I would lather on the Mother`s pure carnauba wax really thick and let it sit for quite a while. Holy crow! Felt like a coat of rubber when I was trying to buff it out!

05-15-2002, 06:19 PM
I have no experience with Meguiar`s #26 liquid so I cannot compare the two. It lasts for me at least 4 weeks and beads very nicely. The shine is nice... IMO, it is nearly as good as Blitz.

05-15-2002, 06:55 PM
Thanks. I have used the liquid, and the shine is very good. I guess I`ll try the paste then.

05-15-2002, 07:57 PM
Never used the #26 liquid but I`ve been using the paste form for a while now and I personally find it extremely easy to use, as long as it is applied in very thin coats. It goes on very slick and easy and buffs the same. My truck is kept outside 24x7x365 and beads like crazy 4-6 weeks after waxing with #26 paste.

I`m very saitsfied with #26 but still have GOT to try Souveran Pinnacle. If it is half as good as people say it is, I may just be forced to switch.

05-15-2002, 08:10 PM
I use #26 solid and liquid I like solid better not that liquid is weak its not .................................NOW to GOLD CLASS I like the liquid but the SOLID PASTE GOLD CLASS in my opinion is in a league of its own only the meguires premium PAINT MEDILLION is better but both collects dust quickly both give you a deep rich shine that if you do it right you will not believe!!!!

05-15-2002, 08:46 PM
I have tried lots fo waxes. Liquid and paste Meguiars Gold Class (still got half a tin of it) Liquid and paste Meguiars #26 (got a tin of #26 and a gallon of #26) Blitz Wax (half a tin left), Pinnacle Paste Glaz, Pinnacle Souveran (4/5 left), and maybe another bottle or can of wax somewhere that I forgot about.

My opinions

Meguiars #26 in paste form is easy to use, maybe just as easy as Blitz minus the white stain on certain trim pieces. Blitz wins in the durability department, apply every 2-3 months. But for #26 paste apply thin coats every month to month and a half. The resulting finish is nice and feels slick, good wax for the money, also available locally at Autozone at $10 a can.

For speed and ease of application, finishing pad and PC for Meguiars #26 liquid. It lays down a thin even coat that removes easily. A little faster than by hand becuase I just squirt a few drops onto every other panel and just go around spreading the #26 with the Pc.

Meguiars GC paste has around a 3 week durability. Its shine is very similar to Souveran, but doesn`t laste quit as long and may haze on certain german finishes (BMW or MB.) I found the paste to actually dull and make the silver BMW more of a stain color, the #26 cleared this up after a dawn wash, and Klasse + Blitz blew me away.

Meguiars GC liquid is like the paste but I only used it once.

So in closing, #26 if you plan to polish/glaze often or top off a polymer sealant such as Meguiars #20 or Klasse. Wax once a month.

Meguiars GC if you like to wax often.

All (liquid or paste) are fairly easy to remove, harder than Pinnacle, but easier than 3M or Meguiars polishes.


05-15-2002, 09:00 PM
Thanks Jason. As usual, your posts are real thorough. I am using #20 right now, and have a few more flaws I would like to fix before I get on the #26.

05-16-2002, 06:56 AM

great post, thanks for the thorough breakdown and analysis! I have a question.....what is the purpose of applying a topcoat of #26 or Souveran (or any carnuba) to a vehicle that has been treated Zaino or Klasse? I thought the Zaino and Klasse type products stood on their own and actually offered longer protection? Would a top coat then just be for getting that "carnuba shine"?

05-16-2002, 10:34 AM
wheels, sounds like you`ve got your stamp of approval for #26 in paste form! I`m glad you checked here before making your purchase.


05-16-2002, 11:47 AM
A top coat IS mostly for the "carnuba shine." But, wow, what a shine! The first time I did it, I could not believe the difference. I went outside to the car, I literally stopped in my tracks.

05-16-2002, 12:12 PM
Thanks Dude. That is what I suspected.

05-16-2002, 12:12 PM
Yeah, I have pretty much been checking here whenever I am keen on a new product. My detailing arsenal is getting so huge that I don`t want to just randomly try products anymore. And most folks here are so helpful that I can get some opinions and then decide on my own what to do after digesting the information.

Next up....Klasse or Zaino! Probably Klasse first, just before winter. I just wish I could get it in Canada. The mail order prices from US are killer, after exchange.


05-16-2002, 12:51 PM
As for the topper of carnauba on klasse, it enhances the shine in my opinion. The Klasse provides a nice hard clear shine, while the carnauba will make it appear wet/oily, like slick gel`d hair.

99.9% of Zaino users don`t top with carnauba, they just keep layering on the Z-2/Z-5.

Klasse + carnauba topper = wow

Zaino = still waiting to use it on paint, used Z-12 on glass yesterday, through review with lots of pictures to come in the product review section when I write it up.

Glaze + carnauba wax = great look but more frequent applications, great for a garage queen.

Plus, some people just love to wax, especially after using Pinnacle paste waxes.
