View Full Version : Mulitple coats of carnuba?

05-15-2002, 12:57 PM
I`d pretty much made up my mind to go the Klasse route, but then I spoke with a friend who details a lot of high-end cars. He`s not a big fan of sealants and was suggesting he`d put about 6 coats of carnuba on my car by hand.

I`m sure this would give it a great deep, rich shine, but would all those extra coats of carnuba make it stand up any better and have more longevity, or will it wear off as quickly as just a few coats?

I`m still leaning towards Klasse with carnuba on top....


05-15-2002, 01:04 PM
hmmm....I am liking the Klasse with some carnuaba on top. Good call!

but would all those extra coats of carnuba make it stand up any better and have more longevity, or will it wear off as quickly as just a few coats?

Thats a good question! Anybody have any experience with this??

05-15-2002, 01:09 PM
I put over a dozen coats of SG on my car when I first started. I probably had 8 or more coats of carnuba on too. After several weeks with no additional coats it still beaded and glowed like I had just waxed it.

In contrast, I put one coat on my wife`s car and sure enough, six weeks later I was not seeing the beads anymore. Another coat of carnuba and the beads were back and the glow returned.

I`d say that multiple coats of carnuba will last longer than one coat but not as long as Klasse. Klasse will bond better and resist higher temperatures. I don`t care how many coats you have on your car when its 105 degrees outside and your car is glowing hot in the sun. That carnuba is melting off regardless of if you have one or 100 coats. It just doesn`t hold up that well. The Klasse will still protect and will still go strong. That is the main benefit in my mind. Carnuba durablility differs depending on the climate you live in and what time of the year it is. Someone in Las Vegas will have to wax their car more times a year than someone in Chicago I would imagine.

05-16-2002, 08:18 AM
Remember the solvents in a carnuba wax are strong enough to to keep it in a fluid state. Carnuba doesn`t really layer, just kind of reappy and replenish itself as far as durability goes. As far as shine, that may be improved because you are adding more oils............