View Full Version : Non-Abraisive one-step polymer?

05-12-2002, 11:59 PM
I`m thinking of stripping off my Zaino and going back to a polymer sealant with carnuba topper. I really miss waxing. I`ve been putting on a coat of Z2 every few weeks lately, but it just isn`t the same.

Here`s what I am looking for in a sealant: a one-step product (not multiple coats, at most one or two) that will last six months and is TRULY non-abrasive. Non-abrasive is really important becasue my paint is in really, really good shape, and I don`t want to mess that up.

All of the one-step products that I know of contain some abrasives. I used to use Meguiar`s #20, but it does appear to contain them (I have called and emailed Meguiar`s about this several times but have never gotten a definitive answer). I know AIO has abrasives, and I think Liquid Glass does too. What else is there?

Does Meguiar`s Medallion have abrasives? I know that the Medallion cleaner and protectant are two seperate products, so I suspect that it might not.

I don`t think Blackfire has abrasives, but I am worried about its longetivity. Even though I will wax every month, I still want the polymer layer underneath to hold up for six months.

Any ideas? I would really appreciate everyone`s suggestions.

05-13-2002, 01:01 AM
Klasse SG has good longevity imo. You can put carnuba on that. How bout autogylm, finish first, or something like that. Didn`t you used to use meguiars #20, does that have abrasives? If you plan on waxing monthly or every few weeks, there is really no point in a getting a sealant. You are just wasting the sealant imo if you do that. My car`s paint is perfect, it has nothing on it right now :):p

05-13-2002, 01:52 AM
Originally posted by Dude

I`ve been putting on a coat of Z2 every few weeks lately, but it just isn`t the same.


If you are waxing this frequently, why not just use a paint cleanser/glaze + carnauba wax? The glaze step would only have to be done a couple times a year and the wax step would only have to be done once a month at the very most. I currently use P21S GEPC as a base for my car and applied a coat of Blitz over the weekend and my car looks better than ever.

BTW, if you do not wish to use an abrasive at all, how do you plan on removing the Z? I also used Finesse-It 2 over the weekend and my car (which is less than a year old & the paint is in excellent condition) really benefited from it.

05-13-2002, 11:20 AM

SG is a good idea, but I don`t want to do ten coats of it. Two at most. Will two coats of SG last six months? I don`t know whether #20 has abrasives. Meguiar`s has never given me a definitive answer, though I have asked several times.


I had planned to use some P21S to remove the Z, but only once. The idea behind the polymer is to get some extra protection. My car is dark blue, so I want to do everything I can for it.

You are using P21S/Blitz on your black car, right?

Your car really benefitted from the FI2? It sounds like our cars are very similar- yours is black, mine is dark blue, and both are less than a year old. Well, mine will be one year old in a couple of weeks. If your paint benefitted from the FI2, I`ll give it a try.

05-13-2002, 11:28 AM
Originally posted by Dude


I had planned to use some P21S to remove the Z, but only once. The idea behind the polymer is to get some extra protection. My car is dark blue, so I want to do everything I can for it.

You are using P21S/Blitz on your black car, right?

Your car really benefitted from the FI2? It sounds like our cars are very similar- yours is black, mine is dark blue, and both are less than a year old. Well, mine will be one year old in a couple of weeks. If your paint benefitted from the FI2, I`ll give it a try.

I was mainly bringing up the FI-2 to point out that I don`t think it`s all that bad to use a product with abrasives (especially mild abrasives) on paint that is in good condition. I would only use the FI-2 for swirl-removal. :)

Yes, I`m using P21S/Blitz on my car. I plan to use the cleanser a couple times a year and add a coat of wax every 2-3 months.

05-13-2002, 02:58 PM
Autoglym Super Resin, is very very mild esp if you use very light pressure, as if your putting down a layer of wax. Also the P21S sounds like a good route.


05-13-2002, 03:06 PM
AIO does not contain abrasives. For a one step does it all; my vote goes to Wizards Shine Master.