View Full Version : Product review criteria

05-12-2002, 08:19 PM
I would love to do a product review. But the ones I`ve read on this site are all over the place as far as content, opinion and facts about the product.

Is there something "hard copy" of what should be examined by a product. maybe a foundation of questions and comparisions, once those questions are answered, the person can go into there own direction...and opinion...??????????



Bobby G
05-12-2002, 09:22 PM

You bring up a good point. I have not formalized "product reviews" per se, simply because I have not had a tool to create a review structure. I have looked at several software packages that handle reviews, but none of them integrate perfectly with this forum system.

We could develop a simple set of rules/criteria, which might make the reviews a little more useful. We have a few "great" reviews, and handful of "good" reviews, and a lot of "comments". It would be nice to reduce the number of comments and increase the number of true product reviews.



05-12-2002, 09:33 PM
yes.... I would like to formulate some criteria. I will need to read the past reviews, study them and then post my finding.

Then maybe you and other autopians can add some more....I don`t think we should go too crazy yet need to be fair to the product....


05-12-2002, 09:47 PM
To really get a lot out of a product review it should have some basic components.

I think it should be objective and give an unbiased view of the product being reviewed. Obviously the person reviewing it will have formed their own thoughts on it but those shouldn`t be expressed till after the review has been made.

I think just as many good things should be said as bad things. Some products are just not that great, but if you try to mention a couple good things then the review reads better. Even if the product totally sucks there has to be something nice to say about it.

I think photos are helpful. Either comparison photos of another product or the before picture. Any photos are helpful.

I think the things that definatly have to be covered in a detailing product review would be these:

Ease of application including buffing off.

How much was used? How many applications will the product cover?

How long will it last before you have to reapply it?

And who could forget the all important:

How does it smell? Taste? :D

If a reader can read the review and come away with enough information to make an informed decision on what they want to think of it. More comments to the review will add to its quality and to the reader`s ability to make an educated decision. Reviews on this forum really carry a lot of weight. They should be thought out and objective. They have the potential to influance hundreds and hundreds of people and it would be a shame if a great product got a crappy review by someone that just had a bad experiece and wasn`t able to write objectively about it. Those are just my thoughts. Like everything on this board, personal opinions may vary. Good luck! :xyxthumbs

05-13-2002, 01:07 AM
i would also like to see some sort of rules or criteria if posting in the product reviews section. people asking if they have used a certain product should be put in the general detailing forum. not that all in the product review area are bad, but it takes time narrowing down the acutal product reviews from passing comments or questions about certain products.

05-13-2002, 10:24 AM
Maybe we could have an outline


Rough Draft

I. Item or Items being Reviewed

a. Name of product

b. Name of Company

II What’s in the product

III What are similar products not being tested

IV Summary of the test your doing things you will be testing for, Things you won’t be testing for..

V Test

VI Results

VII Other observations

05-13-2002, 02:03 PM
I agree with alot of what is being said,

but I don`t think there should be to strict requirements, or expectations. I think reading full reviews is always great, but I still enjoy seeing peoples quick opinions on products or new finds. I would hate to see less products discussed in this forum because its lots of work to fit the review requirements. :)

05-13-2002, 02:09 PM
Originally posted by StyleTEG

I agree with alot of what is being said,

but I don`t think there should be to strict requirements, or expectations. I think reading full reviews is always great, but I still enjoy seeing peoples quick opinions on products or new finds. I would hate to see less products discussed in this forum because its lots of work to fit the review requirements.

:) I was hoping you were going to reply to this. You`ve got fairly extensive knowledge on product reviews. :xyxthumbs

05-13-2002, 10:41 PM
Originally posted by Jngrbrdman

I was hoping you were going to reply to this. You`ve got fairly extensive knowledge on product reviews.

Thanks =)

I was thinking about it, maybe if people stated in the topic if it was a review or a quick opinion it would work well.

That way, people who wanted to write a full review could have several specified aspects to discuss etc, and those who wanted to post a quick opinion/experiance could do so as well.

Something as simple as "tried new tire dressing (opinion)" vs "Turtle Wax tire gel (review)"

dunno, just brainstorming :)

05-14-2002, 08:01 AM
Quick Review = Q-Rev.

My Opinion = M-OP.

Detailed Review = D-Rev.

In the subject area.......anyone can do one with out following

any guideline....I didn`t want to do one and miss some steps

that many would like to see and have answered.....try to get the most out of one review instead of posting several.....


05-16-2002, 12:23 AM
If a template is desired make one available, but the suggestion of rules...this should be required...must include, well can`t say I`m thrilled at the idea.

I know this is in the discussion stage but I wanted to weigh in early.

Everything is an opinion on this forum, just like TV if I don`t like it I click to another thread.

Jman this is for you a quote from my BF review:

"Oh, almost forgot the most important part: the smell. Reminds me of the fresh produce section of a grocery store. Very nice to work with (BPP same). "
