View Full Version : White Powder / Oxidation on Exaust Man. After Engine Detail

05-11-2002, 10:34 PM
Spent some time this afternoon sprucing up the engine compartment of a Porsche `96 993.

Mild spot use of degreaser followed by a very gentle and area specific steam clean.

Upon drying I noticed what appears to be a white powder or oxidation on mostly metal components (exaust manifold, air con. compressor etc....) Also similar residue on some hoses. Looks terrible and appears to wipe off with a damp rag but then reappears once dry.

Any ideas as to what this substance is, cause and possible remedy?

Incidently..... is AS 303 suitable for low hear vinyl/plastic engine parts?

Thank you in advance for your assistance.



05-12-2002, 04:20 AM
I have exsperienced the same effect with engine degreaser. For awhile I thoight it was me....but I`ve found it occurs when left on too long (sometimes it happens no matter how quick you rince. I have had a couple of severe problems. I virtualy stopped using degreaser. The white spots on various metal you refer to never came off my old T-BIRD