View Full Version : First timer, difficult Z5+ZFX removal

05-11-2002, 07:59 PM
Used Zaino for the first time today. I mixed up an ounce of Z5 with ZFX and applied using Meguiar`s foam applicators. The Z treatment was preceded by a Dawn wash (washed horizontal panels twice, since they received Liquid Glass recently).

I thought I applied it thinly ... I got 1 coat on everything (including windows/bumpers) and 2 more coats (3 total) on the hood, roof, and front quarter-panels of my Tundra. I even had a bit of Z left over (but I was just too damn worn out, see below).

Anyway, my problem was that I couldn`t buff it off to save my life. I used charisma towels and allowed the Z to dry for 30 minutes (per the instructions). It took a lot of pressure on the towel to remove the Z and I was left with hazy streaks (thankfully not very visible on my metallic paint). I also used Z6 between coats - which helped remove some of the streaks, but not all. When I applied to the windows, I let it dry for about an hour; but it still took some serious work to remove.

So, did I apply too thickly, or not wait long enough before removal, or wait too long before removal???

Oh yeah, it was approximately 90+ degrees and probably 80% humidity - I worked in the shade. I`m very surprised at this ... everyone says that Zaino w/ZFX is so easy; but I found Liquid Glass to be _much_ easier to remove. It must be something I`m doing wrong...

Any ideas?


05-11-2002, 08:36 PM
My guess is that the ZFX/Z5 was not fully dried before you buffed, maybe the humidity was causing this... Fully dried Z is always a breeze to wipe off, with or without ZFX. When in doubt always remember the finger wipe test before buffing.

It sounds like you didn`t apply it to thick, and with Z you really can`t wait too long before removal. I`ve left Z on for several hours and it`s still very easy to buff. So, I`d recommend you give it a tad more drying time, then buff. Also, you can make a mixture of 50/50 Z6 and water to help remove the previous streaking.


05-11-2002, 11:25 PM
:( Wow, I hope that I don`t have to wait a couple of hours or more to buff off the Z ... that`ll limit me to one coat a day - the ZFX will be wasted money.

I`ve emailed Sal also ... I want to hear the party line on this issue as well.

Can anyone from high humidity climes (I`m in the southeast - AL) chime in about their Zaino experiences?


05-12-2002, 12:42 AM
Don`t worry about the streaks. When I first applied Zaino, I made exactly the same mistake- I "sealed in" some streaks by applying another layer of Zaino over them.

Within two weeks, they will disappear. The different layers of Zaino will begin bonding with one another, and the streaks will get absorbed by the other layers, and disappear. How awesome!

Otherwise, I agree with Mike. It never hurts to let Zaino dry for another half-hour or so, especially when using Z5. That should cut down on streaks and make it easier to remove.

05-12-2002, 12:26 PM
I live in the desert, and applied Zaino in what I consider an optimum climate (75-80 degrees; 12-24% humidity) and I have MUCH better luck waiting for at least 2 hours to remove the polish.

This is particularly true of Z5, which takes longer to dry and is more difficult to remove than Z2.

05-13-2002, 08:27 AM
My personal experience in this matter is that when Z becomes "hard" to remove , I switch to a new MF.

It is my personal experience that even if you go thin , while buffing out at a certan point the MF gets saturated.


05-13-2002, 08:51 AM
Sure, but I wasn`t using an MF, I was using big cotton towels...

05-13-2002, 09:12 AM
It sounds like humidity is your problem. We have high humidity here in southern Va. and the first time I used Zaino without ZFX ( was not available at the time) it took the Z polish forever to dry especially the first coat after removing the old carnuaba (Dawn). With each additonal coat and allowing ample drying time with respect to the humidity the removal of the polish became extremely easier. Zaino is very sensitive to humidity which can increase drying. One thing you may try is after applying a coat of Z2/5 plus ZFX in the shade is to actually move car into the sun. This will aid in the evaporation (drying) in a high humidity environment.

05-13-2002, 10:17 AM
I live in AL. I had a hard time once removing the Zaino (w/ZFX), but I think at that point I was putting it on too thick. It wasn`t drying as fast as I expected. I`ve done coats since then (where I switched to using a foam applicator from the zaino ones), and I got the coats thinner and didn`t seem to have any problems. It was a few weeks back, not as high of humidity as we have now, but wasn`t as hot either.

05-13-2002, 10:52 AM

Grumpy Old Man

Registered: Jun 2001

Location: Da Beach

Posts: 6

What happened, Gimp?

05-13-2002, 08:45 PM
Well, thanks for the replies all. I`ll try some Z2 this weekend if it doesn`t rain ... and give it more time to dry.

I`ve been thinking, if it takes Z (w/ZFX) 2-3 hours to dry in my climate, and Z w/ZFX needs to be used within 6 hours; I can`t mix up very much...

I didn`t buy any Z1, but now that I have a coat(s) of Z5 on the truck, could I apply Z2 (without ZFX) directly - without using Z1? Or is Z1 meant to be used everytime you apply a coat?


05-14-2002, 07:30 AM
Louisiana here where it is 99% humidity and I have Z2 or Z5 plain dry in about the time it takes to apply to the whole truck.

With ZFX I notice no difference as when I am done applying it is dry again.

As long as you have at least one layer of ZFX or Z1 down then additional layers of Z2 or 5 can be layed down w/o ZFX.


05-14-2002, 07:33 AM
Originally posted by vjarnot

Well, thanks for the replies all. I`ll try some Z2 this weekend if it doesn`t rain ... and give it more time to dry.

I`ve been thinking, if it takes Z (w/ZFX) 2-3 hours to dry in my climate, and Z w/ZFX needs to be used within 6 hours; I can`t mix up very much...

I didn`t buy any Z1, but now that I have a coat(s) of Z5 on the truck, could I apply Z2 (without ZFX) directly - without using Z1? Or is Z1 meant to be used everytime you apply a coat?


Hey dude. It should not take Z with ZFX 2-3 hours to dry in anything short of rain. If this is the case you must be applying toooo much polish. Z2/5 with ZFX dries almost immediately. 30 minutes are instructed but in most cases with the temp more than 60* it is dried by the time one finishes coating the whole car!

Yes you can apply coats without Z1 after applying initial coats with ZFX. Please try leaving car in the sun for the instructed 30 mins. and I`m sure your polish will be dried.

Another point. Make sure you have enough towels for removal. Zaino unlike carnuaba waxes will saturate the fibers ( no powdery residue that can be shakened out of towel) and removing 2-3 coats with the same towel may lead to difficulty in removal of the last coat and smearing.

Hope this helps and remember we all went through this learning curve but as experience increases you will love the system and the awesome results. :xyxthumbs