View Full Version : How do I remove stubborn wax stain from trim?

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Dave N
05-10-2002, 03:17 PM
I have some polymer sealant stain on the black pebbled fender flares of my truck. It`s been there for a year; I`ve tried peanut butter (twice) but it still won`t come off. I recently ABCd the back part of my truck, and I thought that might take it off, but the stain is still there.

Are there any other ways to get this stuff off?

05-10-2002, 03:41 PM
Try rubbing with a white vinyl drafting eraser....Office Depot has em and they do work....There was a review in the prodcut section.


05-10-2002, 05:11 PM
Peanut butter. Yes peanut butter. no matter what kind. just rub a small bit on, let it sit, and wipe off.

05-10-2002, 08:29 PM
Peanut butter doesn`t work, and the ABC didn`t work, if the eraser thing from Office Depot does not work, try a bottle of Meguiars #39 heavy duty vinyl cleaner.

05-10-2002, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by samiam513

Peanut butter. Yes peanut butter. no matter what kind. just rub a small bit on, let it sit, and wipe off.

He said Peanut Butter didn`t work.

Have you tried using a tooth brush or some other kind of detail brush? It might have set into the pores of the piece and just really made a home in it. Spray some Armor All on it and work it with a detail brush and see where it gets you. This is one good use for armor all. :) Or use whatever dash cleaner or even tire foam you want. WD40 might not even be a bad idea to try. I think its the brush that will get it out in the long run.

Dave N
05-10-2002, 09:37 PM
Come to think of it, WD40 was the first thing I tried, but I used a rag. I also tried some AIO. That brush idea is a good one -- kind of makes me wonder why I didn`t think of it before. I`ll retry everything (pb, WD40, Armor All) with the brush -- somethings got to get it off!

Oh yeah, I think I`ve got one of those white erasers packed away somewhere from a drafting class I took several years ago....

Thanks all.

05-10-2002, 09:50 PM
try em all and tell us whcih worked the best!!!!:bounce

05-10-2002, 11:46 PM
check my klasse vinyl leather rubber plastic cleaner protectant review. That stuff took care of it for me, and didnt come back! going 4 months strong!

05-11-2002, 10:29 AM
Which polymer sealant was it that left this terrible stain / residue?

Try a plastic polish like NOVUS #2 if all else fails. Test on inconspicuous area first! That might leave a different finish on the plastic than the rest. Or try a paste of cornstarch and water! :p

Dave N
05-11-2002, 02:38 PM
>Which polymer sealant was it that left this terrible stain / residue?

It was Autoint`s "OEM One-Step" that left the residue. This is a polymer sealant that is similar (in function) to AIO: it cleans and protects in one step. It`s a good product as far as paint protections goes, but boy did it stain my trim!!! I really love AIO for many reasons -- non-staining, water-friendly...

05-11-2002, 04:50 PM
Or other cooking oils work better then PB.

05-11-2002, 04:59 PM
Peanut butter like everyone else said, i had to try that today and let me tell you....it works wonders....then put some good`ole Lexol Vinylex on those babies and they now have a nice black finish again.

i just used soap and water to take off the PB...

05-12-2002, 02:21 PM
Have you tried a degreaser? I tried it out on my tailgate handle after I got some wax on it and it took it right off. I used Eimann Fabrik Natural Engine degreaser. I soaped up the paint around the areas before I applied it to the handle. The soap will protect the paint from the degreaser.

05-12-2002, 08:25 PM
Have you tried using DuPont Prep Sol or mineral spirits? Try it on I spray a section and use an old paintbrush with the bristles cut real short to agitiate the area... then wipe clean. Prep sol dissolves the wax.

Of course, if you tape off mouldings with a good quality masking tape, you`ll save yourself a lot of aggravation! ;)

05-12-2002, 08:51 PM
What is it about peanut butter that makes it work?