View Full Version : Contains cancer causing chemicals..hummm

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05-08-2002, 06:40 PM
Why would we buy this if it said,

" This product contains crystalline silica, which in airborne - particals of respirable size, is known to cause cancer."

This was on the back of Meguiars "CLEAR COAT BODY SCRUB". a Paint cleaner. I have Pinnacle cleaner, Black Fires Cleaner, Platinums Cleaner, Meguiars Medallan cleaner and none of these say this....or I guess have this chemical. ALSO... These products do not tell us any chemicals they contain.

Does anyone know how they get away with not putting what the product contains?

What if it is swallowed? Some say induce vomitting, some say don`t induce vomitting. What do you tell the doctor when he asks for the chemicals in the product?

my 2c


05-08-2002, 06:46 PM
I guess they dont have to put the chemicals on the label because its not meant for consumption, and when used in a manner consistant with its intended purpose, is not harmful. As far as whether or not to induce vomiting, you NEVER induce vomiting with very acidic/caustic substances for fear of damaging esophogial passages and organs. the doctor should tell you what to do based on the limited info on the label, not the other way araound.

05-08-2002, 07:06 PM
I agree..

Pinnacles Cleaner says "To induce vomitting then drink milk"

3m says not to induce unless a physican says so...but if you can`t tell the doctor whats in it..well....

most say don;t induce vomiting..


05-08-2002, 07:09 PM
You may obtain an MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) for the chemicals that you purchase from any reputable manufacturer.

The MSDS is NOT required to give away trade secrets and exact recipes but will tell you the basics that you need to know in the event of any emergency.

The products that you mentioned do not contain crystalline silica as it must be on the label when it comes to known cancer causing chemicals. That stuff attaches to your lungs.

05-08-2002, 08:09 PM
Pep boys had it on sale last month..Now I know why...


05-08-2002, 08:33 PM
crystalline silica is found everywhere. Isn`t it in those little bags in shoe boxes and stuff. Isn`t it some sort of sand. Silicone - Silica. Hmmm.

05-08-2002, 08:49 PM
The packets of crystals in shoe boxes, bottles of vitamins, and all others sorts of prodeucts are crystal desiccants. they are a crystaline substance that agressively absorbs moisture from the surrounding air. This prevents mold and moisture damage while in storage and shipping. They are chemically stable and since they are in a packet will not become airborne and therefore will never get into your lungs. On every package should be a warning about ingesting and opening the packet.

05-08-2002, 08:59 PM
Its found in those seaweed freshness pouches too! ;)

To be honest with you, I think most of the products we use do contain some chemical that affects your health through breathing. Petroleum distillates are found in a lot of waxes... and same with some other products.

Too bad detailing is soooo addictive!


05-08-2002, 11:20 PM
Here in California, there is a state law which requires every substance containing carcinogens to be labeled as such. This means that almost EVERYTHING has a "warning- contains carcinogens" sign on it. At my office, there is such a sign on the elevator. Really. I don`t plan on eating the elevator any time soon, but just in case I get some crazy idea, I am glad that the sign is there to deter me. :)

05-09-2002, 05:08 AM
I was just thinking, I have kids and well you know...Kids are curious.., and i did a what if....and what do i tell the doctor when he asks for the chemicals, can`t give it to him, and instead of taking some action i have to wait till they get to the hospital and run a bunch of tests...


05-09-2002, 10:21 AM
I think the crystaline silica requires a unique warning because the risk is for inhalation not ingestion as the warning statements usually address. The silica is probably an abrasive and would become airborne as you worked it and it dried out. You should probably wear a mask.

05-09-2002, 10:23 AM
Jeffbruce, almost all consumer products are listed with the national poison control center. If you can tell the doctor the product a child ingested they can get the chemical composition very quickly

C. Charles Hahn
05-09-2002, 04:23 PM
Hey, atleast if we die, we die with clean paint!! :p :o

05-09-2002, 05:54 PM
Very good thks..that helps..

It should say to wear a mask and..it doesn`t


05-09-2002, 08:24 PM
The MSDS is the ticket to your question...if the store can`t supply one, then you can probably go online and find it. 3M`s site list the MSDS` (at least for the products I looked up - like SMR). Take a gander.

Also, if you have a contact in a body shop that uses the same item, they are required by OSHA to keep the MSDS on file.

Hope this helps.