View Full Version : Some PC / Maguiars help!

05-08-2002, 05:07 PM
I`ve been reading on here for months now, i`ve went out and bought a whole lot of new detailing supplies in the process..

For my 1st try, I have a spare hood I just removed from my car, the paint is in the same condition as the car (black and significantly marked up from years of the previsous owners car washes) I figured it would be a perfect testbed for my PC and assorted products.

I started off by taping the hood down the center to see how my results go..

1. Mothers clay bar kit.. Oh my! its unreal the amount of stuff it pulls off a clean hood! much much smoother now.

2. PC with a Farecla GMOP Advanced polishing foam pad and #9 2.0 .. in a newbie stumble i put a tad too much #9 on the pad and had to buff a bit longer to get the polish to break down, a few minutes at 4 and the last bit at 5 there wasnt too much residue left. Polish the rest off.

Now i`m at my question. It has a nice dark color to it, a lot of the finer swirls are gone, but some of the larger marks are still there (most i cannot feel with my nail..) I`d like to get more of the scratches out if i could.. the foam pad i have is a bit softer than the white pad that comes with the PC. should i try the white PC one? the local supply store has 3m finnesit III (?) and Meguiars Body Shop Professional Dual Action Cleaner/Polish .

should i get the more agressive meguiars? or try the white pad? (i wanted to return the white pad as its $25 CAN!)

heres some hi-res pics that may help describe!

right side untouched, left clay and #9





many many thanks!

05-08-2002, 05:37 PM
swirl remover 2.0 wont even touch this stuff. U need to get the finesse it 2 at least.

05-08-2002, 05:42 PM
OK just back from the shop, i bottle of FI-II will be here friday :D
