View Full Version : Multiple coats of Meguiar`s???

05-07-2002, 10:18 PM
My car is going to be unoperable(sp?) for 5 days, so I was thinking about going balls out and redoing my wax and stuff

I have ALOT of Meguiar`s stuff (didn`t found out about this site soon enough), so don`t tell me to go get Zaino or Blitz or Klasse (but believe me when this stuff runs out I will)

So here`s my plan for the 5 days

1. Dawn wash

2. Clay (ClayMagic if I can find it? Will check local AutoZone) - Yeah I ran my fingers over the surface after a fresh wash/wax, and I felt contaminants

3. Wash again with Meguiar`s Hi Tech <---is this step really necessary?

4. Meguiar`s Premium Paint Cleaner

5. Meguiar`s #7 Show Car Glaze

6. Meguiar`s Premium Paint Protect

NOW, here is my question...

Can I do multiple coats of Meguiar`s wax?!? I figure I`d have 5 days to kill, so that`s at least 4 layers if I really cared. If so, should I qd the car after each layer and then apply another one?

05-08-2002, 12:22 PM
I`m not exactly sure what you`re referring to as "Meguiars Premium Paint Protect". Is that Medallion? I`m assuming the paint cleaner you refer to is also Medallion.

If so then layering Medallion can be done.....sorta. Medallion is mostly polymers with a mild chemical cleaner that is supposed to be their longest lasting product. So I feel it bonds to the paint and like most other polymers, can be layered.

But the cleaner in it may (well, probably will) remove some of the previous coat. How much and what the ratio is I don`t know. It`s something you should probably call Meguiar`s and ask about. I know I`ve use Medallion layered and it worked fine. Since you have the time I suggest experimenting on a panel to see what happens.

My concern is that the cleaner in Medallion will remove most of what you did with the #7. That`s probably another thing worth experiementing with. If it were me I`d take a panel and divide it in half, do one half with the cleaner and protectant, and the other half in cleaner, #7, and protectant. Can you tell a difference? If so, great. If not, then you didnt waste all that time and product for no benefit.

Oh, and don`t QD the car between coats if its garaged. Use a MF, distilled water and a spray bottle to remove light dust and whatnot.

05-08-2002, 04:28 PM
Yeah I`m referring to the Medallion stuff. Hm that`s a good idea with the panel....but what if I were to get something else and put it on top of the Medallion wax? Can other brands of wax be put on that? I do have to make another purchase @CMA anyway....