View Full Version : How do these washing steps sound?

05-07-2002, 10:30 AM
This saturday I was planning on attemping to remove some weird stuff from my paint. I was going to in these steps. I was wondering if anyone would add or subtract any?

#1: Wash Car

#2: Swirl X remover

#3: wash car and use soap as lubricant for clay bar. Going over the whole car.

#4: Wax with Merguiars Gold

Does that sound ok? or would you all change something?

I would like to thank everyone, I am new here and have found a more than friendly atmosphere, and all my questions get answer fast and truthfully.:)



05-07-2002, 11:06 AM
Scratch X after claying...using the soap is fine...

05-07-2002, 11:10 AM
Ok use the scratch X after the clay bar, so basically I wash the car. The re wash it using the clay, then swirl X. then Wax

Thanks a lot.

05-07-2002, 02:06 PM
Sounds good.

05-07-2002, 03:28 PM
1. Dwan wash

2. Mother`s Clay: when you use Mother`s clay you must use a QD not water. There is no need to wash again.

3. AIO the JIMWH way.

I have done this and it works great and the protection last. BY the way,I gave away my bottle of Meguairs GC. It just does not last long enough for all your effort.

Now the above is just an easy method and does not answer your question concerning your paint problems. Please provide more information about your paints condition.

05-07-2002, 03:37 PM

That is a link tp my paint issue.

Thanks all.


05-07-2002, 03:54 PM
NY detailer said it well but, it never hurts to try a few experiments in a place that is out of sight. You might try 50/50 alcohol and water spray and then clay that area.

good luck.