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05-04-2002, 05:17 AM
:) What do you guys use to clean tires of all the dirt and grime that builds up on it? I got a tire brush and I get all this black crap on the bristles. What cleaner should I use and what dressing after cleaning?

Thanks for the help.


05-04-2002, 07:01 AM
I`ve been using Eagle One Tire Cleaner for years with excellent results. Many people use EFHI which also works very well (I`ve used it too). Can`t go wrong with either. I clean tires every time I wash.

For dressing, do some searching and read what people use and why. This topic has been discussed frequently. Most Autopians use a water-based product from 303, Vinylex, or Eagle One but there are many choices.

05-04-2002, 11:56 AM
Rusky you may need to clean you tires a bit longer for the first cleaning....spend the time and clean them a few times....spray stuff...agitate....dwell ...rinse.....repeat

05-04-2002, 01:54 PM
I had some wax pencil marks that refused to come off my new Dunlop Sports. It was a factory code marking. EF HI made it vanish in three seconds.

05-04-2002, 01:57 PM
:nixweiss bretfraz, forgive my ignorance, but what exactly is EFHI? Is there an autotopia glossary of terms anywhere so I can check other stuff I don`t know? If not, then maybe one should be compiled for ease of understanding terms.


05-04-2002, 02:10 PM
I use some stuff i got at dollar genral. It was 2 bucks and worrks good.

05-04-2002, 02:13 PM
EFHI= Eimann Fabrik High Intensity cleaner. :up

Here is a list of terms that may help you. http://www.autopia-carport.com/terms.htm

05-04-2002, 02:32 PM
Thanks ShowroomLincoln.

05-05-2002, 01:10 PM
Do the Whitey`s(??) tire cleaner with bleach harm the tire at all, since my tires have white letters?

05-05-2002, 01:15 PM
I use efhi and it works great. I use them on my tires and they always look new. I have used them on tires with white letters and didnt realize they were white letters till after the cleaning! It even turns the white letters a nice bright white.

05-05-2002, 10:13 PM
Can you only get EFHI from CMA? And, what doesn`t it work on?


05-05-2002, 10:24 PM
Hi Rusky,

I also have used Frank`s Cleaner made by PRO Wax. I think it is a good product. It takes off red dirt, dirt, and brake dust. Received a sample of EF Hi Intensity Cleaner from a generous fellow Autopia member but yet to try it. I always wanted to try it but surprisingly the weather in Hawaii has not been cooperating so couldn`t try it out. Maybe sometime during the coming week or next weekend.



05-05-2002, 10:51 PM
Hey Ranney, weather sucks today eh? I live in Kaimuki. Where are you? Saw your arsenal, that`s a s*&%load. Where can I get that Frank`s cleaner?


05-05-2002, 11:12 PM
I use ProWax`s non-Acid Wheel Cleaner. It is made to clean the wheel but I also use it on the tire. I then have a nylon brush for the tire, a brass brush for white letters, and a skinny nylon brush for doing wheels.

Takes me all of a minute or two per tire even on the most soild ones. Today the tires I did you could hardly see the white letters because they were so dirty. The rims were almost black with road grim. The water coming off them was black! Probably only took me 2 mins per tire.

05-05-2002, 11:13 PM
I like Black Magic. The one in the spray bottle, not foam. It cleans and leaves the tires wet and shiny. I highly recommend it. It lasts for weeks too.