View Full Version : how good will it look under flourescent light? (very long)

05-03-2002, 11:07 AM
I have set up flourescent lights in my garage. I have a 2001 trans am which is black. I use zaino on it. I have quite a few coats on it. Probably about 30. It looks VERY good. I would say that I no longer have any swirl marks except for some on the back bumper. Anyway, how good should I expect the car to look under flourescent lights? At the right angle it looks perfect, but if you look really close(you have to put you head right next to the car to see them) there are very faint scratches. :confused: Is this normal. I understand they show everything, but is there only so much you can do? It looks near perfect when you compare 95% of the cars on the road. I have been checking out other black cars on have seen only one which does not have some type of scratching or swirl marks. I watch them in the sun and when it hits at the right angle it looks like someone went crazy with the buffer. The only one that did not have swirl marks I saw was at the world of wheels car show. It was indoors and the place had hundreds of flourescent lights. Every car I looked at had some type of swirl marks or very light scratches except for a 57 chevy with a supercharged 502 big block :shocked The car was the best paint I had ever seen and it was black. The guy must have had a ton of carnuba wax on it as you could smell it 10ft away,literally. I wanted to ask him what he used, but he was not around the car all day. I guess what I am asking will it only look so good under these lights without having it professionally painted and pay thousands of of dollars?

05-03-2002, 12:59 PM
Expect a few swirls under bright lights ecspecially with black...search for CARGUY and his posts about his black porsche....he had bright lights and got real close with the camera and you can see swirls but from afar they are hardly visible.

05-03-2002, 01:34 PM
Some repainted cars and motorcycles are fitted with uber amounts of clear and are literally polished down to perfection. They look so nice and swirls are pretty much non-existant, well at least until the next polishing.