View Full Version : Roadfly`s wax reviews / test

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07-02-2004, 09:08 AM
I found this on another site and thought I would share.


07-02-2004, 01:09 PM
GREAT FIND! Thanks for the link. I enjoy reading Geekysteve`s evaluation. Looks like Zaino is blowing away the competitions again...

Bill D
07-02-2004, 03:30 PM
I`m real interested to see how the costly Menzerna FMJ fares against Zaino or Klasse

Scott P
07-02-2004, 07:52 PM
My bet is that Zaino will win every test they run.

07-02-2004, 10:51 PM
Interesting. I`ve just applied WG to my car. so I guess we`ll see how it holds up over the next few weeks.

07-02-2004, 11:28 PM
Isn`t it odd that almost all the products died after a week? Many people on here have used WG and NXT and had decent durability. I find it suspicious that a wax can completely die in just 1 week...Some hold up better than others, but just about everything will make it through 1 week and 1 wash...

07-02-2004, 11:43 PM
My findings (non scientific of course)

#26 on rear bumper: aprox. 6 weeks was recntly removed). Water beading good for about 3 weeks.

#16 on hood: good beading for 2+ full weeks before I applied another coat just for looks.

AIO on rear of decklid (hard to say since it is a vertical surface. Slickness was gone after about 2 weeks.

SGx2 on spoiler: aprox. 3+weeks, but beads were not tight. Slickness goan after about 2 1/2, but i believe this was more due to overspray that got on the car while at the shop.

ClearKote CMW on side panels: about 3 weeks, but then i applied
#16 for kicks and giggles.

After the recent strip, I now have VM topped with WG on hood, decklid, and side panels. I will be applying AIO and EX-P on my roof probably tommorow evening.

Never used Zaino, so I hae no refernce as to it`s durability. And as I have been used to quick degrading products (devout user of 3m`s Pink Fill N Glaze for years), I`m not sure if I really care. However I would be dissapointed if WG did not last more than a few weeks, considering that they claim protection for months not weeks. But then again, maybe slickness has little to do with a products protective ability. I am seriously thinking of going into car care as a part time gig, so whatever I buy would have to be worth using.

Not to sound to suspicious, but how would we know if the testing was not biased?

07-02-2004, 11:52 PM
We wouldn`t. But I must say, from my experience, Zaino is bulletproof. I have never seen a car that was treated with Zaino stop beading, even after 6 months and through the winter (I have never left a car unwaxed for longer then that).

07-03-2004, 09:14 AM
It`s an interesting article but I disagree with the findings about how all the waxes died so quickly. Glanz wax for instance should have lasted much longer than most of the other competitors.

07-03-2004, 07:13 PM
I guess it depends where you live, the weather and the paint color. I`ve had MANY sealants stop beading in within 2 weeks on my dark blue Jetta in NY. I don`t know if protection is still there, but the beading stopped. Zaino just keeps going.

07-03-2004, 09:45 PM
Well, I`m still new to this stuff so I guess i am at the mercy of ignorance. Still though, I find it odd that some folks seem to be getting pretty decent results with various products that the testers have found wanting. Here`s an example quote from Scottwax (used without permission) from the Autopia site:

I first started using Wolfgang in mid March (actually, about the 10th or so). I have had it on a few cars now a full two months.

One of the vehicles is a single stage black Lexus LX470 that I used the WG twins to polish and seal on March 18th. I washed it today and even before I washed it, the paint looked really good. Mostly it was just dusty anyway. I Splashed some water on it to check the beading (very good) and QEW washed it. Those who have used QEW can easily tell while washing that the paint is being protected. Towels glide over the paint as you dry and dirt, grime, etc come of more easily.

After washing, the paint felt slick to the touch of skin. Not quite like when it was first applied, but decently slick for 2 months passage of time on a mom-mobile. There were a couple paint transfers on the left passenger door and rear quarter. They were pretty minor and came off with little effort using a microfiber pad and the WG pre-cleaner. I then applied the sealant to those two sections. There was an improvement in appearance vs the 2 month old application but the difference was not very large. Again, pretty good for 2 months. I applied the WG quick detailer to the rest of the Lexus and the panels next to the two that were just given the WG twins again now looked almost exactly as good after applying the QD and were nearly as slick. I did not apply the QD to the roof so I can see how WG performs over time without using the QD....sort of as a control panel.

Perhaps it is the QEW that is providing the good beading?

07-22-2004, 09:57 PM
I got into this on autopia - I never have product on my car more than a month anyhow and have yet to try Zaino but I find the results a little hard to swallow. For example I know that PB`s S&W leaves nothing behind and has no "enhancers" in it. WG, EX, Duragloss, UPP, NxT, CMW..all of em have lost their slickness after rain or a wash here - because we have very hard water and due to the proximity to the airport - polluted rain. All of the products I mentioned - after a quick S&W feel as slick as when I applied (some up to a month after inital application - but again - I try so many different combos a month is a looong time for me) - heck my roomate`s truck I did three months ago with Turtle Wax Ultra Gloss still beads like crazy - no slickness, but I just walked in the garage and applied some S&W to a paned - you know what - slick and shiney. I`m going to have to break down one of these days and get Zaino - maybe it is just that good....

07-22-2004, 10:05 PM
S&W Removes car wash residue, which is somehow left every time you clean your car. How can we tell? Even when you wash your own body, there is residue from the water even with a soapy mix. S&W cleans it fully somehow. Most likely you are revealing the true protection on your paint.

Take note that everyone has a different perspective of "gloss" / durability. Some products bead, some sheet. Paints are different, there are probably over 10 000 types. People see differently in the sun, etc. Bias, sorry to say. There is some bias in every statement. Just find something you like! :bigups

07-22-2004, 11:57 PM
that`s my problem I like everything:)

07-23-2004, 05:35 AM
I do not see why it is so important for a wax or paint sealant to last for 6 months or more. I would go nuts if I was not detailing my car evey couple of weeks. It keeps me from going crazy!!! There is nothing better than looking back at your car after you just put another layer of wax on it. I have been using the Wolfgang twins topping it off with Pinnacle Souveran. But it is pretty cool that we now hace so many good products at our finger tips.:mohawk :mohawk :mohawk