View Full Version : I`m off to do the deed...

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05-02-2002, 04:27 PM
I just got home from work. It was a weird day. Anyway, I`m going to redo my car. Dawn, clay, ppcl, blackfire, and then possibly SG. The dull look that its had for awhile now has been getting me down. I just want to spend some quality time with the car. I`ll take a pic of each stage and we`ll see if you can actually see a difference on a white car. I`m sure the difference would show up better on a dark one, but we`ll see. I haven`t had the time to truly dedicate a few hours to really doing a good job on it. Now that detailing season is in full swing for me I guess I`d better polish up the billboard, eh? :D

05-02-2002, 11:07 PM
Whew. That was a fun 4 hours. :D I`d post pictures but for some reason this board wants to censor the links so it doesn`t work. I`ll just post links instead.

Reflection with drips (http://communities.msn.com/_Secure/0MwBZDxIS8MfaJwyM6l0bLw1JfGns*CZq*!9er*wN7LY88n97I bR9JfEbXLb6uP3HLqCvvCW5Y!L6l76xLvNaqQ/drip.JPG)

Engine (http://communities.msn.com/_Secure/0NQAAALkSB!rOD5AKQE2QV48KLqzVIkELyaYa1SWdpezZTfdix tmUSJ9sYJZVU1F2WsFyaYO1tiGCD533UEIrWA/Engine.JPG)

Large view (http://communities.msn.com/_Secure/0NgAAAGUTHg0B*SvYK2FVC6pOdsDI629i8Up7rJIaBwwwDEXNB 0nNvXh7LCoTP6cF7T*FGBk0hLdmHy9NNO7Pvw/lowwall.JPG)

360 degree spin (http://communities.msn.com/_Secure/0NgAAALITwBm3YPpzg8vGblA*60kzYkXwFHiRqquziYhU0xg40 yjp0*sBxjUaOmUWOPUL9Wn8ab!HgKi3sxWNAA/tegspin.gif)

I skiped the Dawn wash and did the ABC process instead. Then I clayed for good measure. That surface is as smooth as a baby`s arse. I used PPCL on the flat surfaces that had the most swirls. I got most of them I think. It looks much better. Then I did the Blackfire twins. I thought about waiting and doing a couple more coats but I decided not to. I topped BF with 1X SG. Then I put on coat of Souveran and one coat of PPG. I really got the full combo thing going on. It looks really good I think. The reflection is really nice. By the time I was done it was getting dark so I of course it looked better than it would in the day. We`ll see if anyone notices tomorrow. Its payday and that`s always a good day to pick up some business.

05-02-2002, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by Jngrbrdman

Whew. That was a fun 4 hours. :D I`d post pictures but for some reason this board wants to censor the links so it doesn`t work. I`ll just post links instead.

Reflection with drips (http://communities.msn.com/_Secure/0MwBZDxIS8MfaJwyM6l0bLw1JfGns*CZq*!9er*wN7LY88n97I bR9JfEbXLb6uP3HLqCvvCW5Y!L6l76xLvNaqQ/drip.JPG)

Engine (http://communities.msn.com/_Secure/0NQAAALkSB!rOD5AKQE2QV48KLqzVIkELyaYa1SWdpezZTfdix tmUSJ9sYJZVU1F2WsFyaYO1tiGCD533UEIrWA/Engine.JPG)

Large view (http://communities.msn.com/_Secure/0NgAAAGUTHg0B*SvYK2FVC6pOdsDI629i8Up7rJIaBwwwDEXNB 0nNvXh7LCoTP6cF7T*FGBk0hLdmHy9NNO7Pvw/lowwall.JPG)

360 degree spin (http://communities.msn.com/_Secure/0NgAAALITwBm3YPpzg8vGblA*60kzYkXwFHiRqquziYhU0xg40 yjp0*sBxjUaOmUWOPUL9Wn8ab!HgKi3sxWNAA/tegspin.gif)

I skiped the Dawn wash and did the ABC process instead. Then I clayed for good measure. That surface is as smooth as a baby`s arse. I used PPCL on the flat surfaces that had the most swirls. I got most of them I think. It looks much better. Then I did the Blackfire twins. I thought about waiting and doing a couple more coats but I decided not to. I topped BF with 1X SG. Then I put on coat of Souveran and one coat of PPG. I really got the full combo thing going on. It looks really good I think. The reflection is really nice. By the time I was done it was getting dark so I of course it looked better than it would in the day. We`ll see if anyone notices tomorrow. Its payday and that`s always a good day to pick up some business.

I didnt think PPCL did anything to swirl marks?

05-02-2002, 11:14 PM
how did you get your engine so clean, so quickly? is it usually clean so you didn`t have to do much, or did you have to like totally clean it up?

oh yeah; what did you use to clean your valve cover?

05-02-2002, 11:34 PM
I think it would make more sense to use SG as base coat then top it with BF instead of the other way around, but of course I`m sure you have your reason and preference.

PIC looks good. I`m also working on a detailing "project" for a white car. Plan is 10 COATS of SG then top it with Souveran. Hopefully it will look just as nice as yours as well! Currently at coat#3 and I`m happy to find that SG layering truly does work like Zaino. It looks better on coat#3 than #1.

05-03-2002, 12:40 AM
PPCL doesn`t do much for major swirls. It works ok for very minor ones. It was probably a step I could have skipped but I wanted to see what it would do. It really cleaned up a lot of little swirls.

SG wouldn`t be a good base for Blackfire because the Gloss Enhancing Polish would have cleaned it off. That stage of Blackfire is like AIO. It wasn`t meant to be used by itself. It is a must as the base for the Paint Protectant though. The SG took away some of the glow of Blackfire but I figured that the Pinnacle would bring it right back again.

I try to keep up on the engine. I love cleaning it actually. It really gets attention and actually brings in business sometimes. The engine bay usually gets the most neglect because people don`t pop their hoods that often. I use the CD2 Engine Detailing Kit on engines. It really works well. Its also how I get the valve cover to shine like that. It cleans up the hoses and really makes the engine bay sparkle.

http://waxdepot.safeshopper.com/images/bn0zhl4l.jpg (http://waxdepot.safeshopper.com/65/315.htm?543)

I can usually only find it at K-Mart but I have found it at Target before. If you like getting oohs and ahhs when your customers pop the hood then I would suggest picking some up. The tips increase after they see under the hood. ;)

05-03-2002, 01:55 AM
Awesome Job !

05-03-2002, 05:36 AM
Wow..Very nice...

05-03-2002, 06:40 AM
I`m dizzy...:bounce

05-03-2002, 08:58 AM
Originally posted by Acuracer

I`m dizzy...:bounce

I need to do another one. I missed the rear corner angles so it looks funny. It was just a quickie. The light was pretty perfect and I couldn`t resist. I love making gifs. I miss my dancing tiger..... ;)

05-03-2002, 09:49 AM
Engine bay looks better than perfect, great job! Did that strut tower brace come standard?

05-03-2002, 10:07 AM
It comes standard on the Type R. I have one for the rear too but I have to take it out in the summer because my buckets of detailing stuff take up too much room. The Type R bar is much better than the stock bar. This is my before picture when I first got the car a couple years ago. Of course MSN won`t let me post the picture so here`s the link. (http://communities.msn.com/_Secure/0NgAAAGoSR9tvK!iHj56Vyf4oj8EQWd9wj9bfiuj*duap2b!px HwLUGmjQ8P8o5KJu8kCTJ4xVJbqDF5gC4snAQ/GSR-4.jpg)

05-03-2002, 03:16 PM
Looks great, love your rims :D

05-03-2002, 09:44 PM
Originally posted by StyleTEG

Looks great, love your rims :D

Wait till I get my summer rims on. :D C5 clones. <drool> <drool> I can`t wait to get some pics of it then.

05-04-2002, 11:27 AM
WOW! I love shiny, clean white cars! Great job... the engine looks spotless and the white paint just glows!

:up :bow