View Full Version : Swirls/ clear coat chrome wheels

05-01-2002, 02:07 PM
I was trying to remove brake dust from the wheels on my PT Cruiser. The wheels are chrome with a clear coat. I got too aggressive on one of the wheels and now I have swirls marks on about a 1/3 of the wheel. I can not use a PC in the area where the swirls are, because there is no room to work. I will have to remove the swirls by hand. I tried perfect II by hand but that did not help. Please note that the swirls are in the clear coat .

Any suggestions?

Thanks for your response


05-01-2002, 02:37 PM
What did you use on the wheels that created the swirls? That will help determine what will remove them.

05-01-2002, 03:09 PM
I used a cleaning pad medium coarse dipped in a Dawn wash. I have used this pad before on the painted bumpers of my Lincoln to remove dead bugs. It would leave a haze but AIO would clean up the haze. I know I rubbed too hard this time.

05-01-2002, 03:13 PM
How about using a "Black & Decker-Mouse" detail sander with the polishing pad. You should be able to get in there. I haven`t tried it but it might work.

05-01-2002, 03:20 PM
For something that abrasive it will probably take several applications of a rubbing compound. Even then you probably still won`t be able to remove all the marks. The clear and chrome plating on most modern wheels is very "soft", if you remove too much clear it will have a hazy or milky apperance because you are into the spungy layer. If that has occured, you are pretty much screwed.

Best bet, try polishing the wheel further with a few applications of rubbing compound and then a finer polish to remove the haze. If the marks are truly in the clear of the wheel this will certianly help. Really work the polishes, it may take a fairly long time. If that does not do the trick then you probably have a much bigger problem on your hands.

05-01-2002, 03:36 PM
Showroom Lincoln

What cut and type of a rubbing compound do you recommend and what type of an applicator should I use?

