View Full Version : Poorboy`s EX...ever been reformulated?

07-01-2004, 05:00 PM
After looking at a picture of a member`s new order, I couldn`t help but notice that EX was yellow. If I remember correctly a couple months ago I saw a picture of EX on Autopia and had it a slime greenish look to it. This makes me wonder if Steve has ever changed or reformulated EX??? Also what kind of durability does EX have??? I`m considering using it as a topper for 1Z PP on some daily drivers, but would like to know what kind of durability it gets? I`m not expecting any crazy numbers like Klasse but if its not to much better then a carnuba, then i`ll just use a carnuaba.

07-01-2004, 05:23 PM
No it`s always been yellow:)

here`s a thread from autopia by tomp ...he had EX on from Thanksgiving to March and it was still beading after a long New England winter....there are also comments from other and comparisons to other well known products...


07-01-2004, 07:04 PM
Ya I remember looking at that thread when he first made it, but I never followed up on it. That is quite impressive, as I though UPP would hold up much better then EX. I think i`m gonna have to pick some EX up at the Detailing day.

07-01-2004, 07:22 PM
I believe , like most, that prep is very important and that most good products will last and perform well.
There are so many variables to deal with from washing to weather, and mostly how good the finish was to begin with. Most people will find a product that works well for them in their environment and then continue to use them. People who are curious or unhappy will continue on with their search for what looks and works best for them.:)

07-01-2004, 07:32 PM
One more question Steve, I was searchin around Autopia about EX, and I found the thread I was originally asking about...
http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=29989&perpage=18&highlight=poorboys ex&pagenumber=1
The picture provided by BW is very discouraging, any reasonable explanation??? There are tons of people who swear by EX, so i`m not questioning the validity of the product, as I will be purchasing it in the near future, i`m just curious as to what you think happened with his bottle? I`m not sure if he was trying to take shots at you or what, I know there a couple of biased members on Autopia who wrote up pretty bad reviews of EX...

07-01-2004, 07:49 PM
I think your last couple of sentences sums it up...BW and I do not get along and that`s a long story..actually BW(who was also banned from DC) does not seem to like much of anything!
I suppose he did not shake the bottle after sitting in his hot trunk in the summer, and he actually helped us with that thread, as we now put everything in clear bottles so you can see if a product needs shaking:) How many companies will let you see how a bottle looks on the inside?
As you can see from that thread he was in the minority, not the majority.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and if you don`t like the way a product works, the nsend it back to the person you bought it from...just as a side note..BW did not buy it and anything could have happened to it;)

07-01-2004, 07:54 PM
I never doubted your products, i was just curious what that was about. I really like the idea of the clear bottles to. As far as the whole bad product reviews, I guess there will always be the few who never agree. You run a nice clean business with great products. I`d much rather give my money to you, who is doing a hundred things, then to give it to a big corporation. Thanks for clearing that up.

07-01-2004, 08:01 PM
anytime I see a review that is ALL negative than I most always disregard it.:nono Even with products that i feel dont satisfy me I still find that there is at least 1 good thing about it. As for EX looking like that pic, I find that hard to believe. :nono Whenever there is a mistake, or fault in a products it almost ALWAYS happens to more than one bottle. I am sure if more people experienced that than someone else would have mentioned it also. BTW even when a products seperates it would have been an oily substance and the remaining would have been just a thicker liquid. That liquid looks water based, almost like mountain dew and that powder isnt even the same color, but oh well, what do I know :dunno



07-01-2004, 08:05 PM
thanks I appreciate it and always will listen to fair and objective feedback...if you were around when we had our original labels(paper) you too probably would have ribbed me for them:lol
Everything takes time and money...we progress as fast as we can, but the stress of trying to be everything to everyone just put too much pressure on me personally, which I paid the price for last year:( via a heart attack and by-pass surgery....Dwayne our sponsor here at DC, was a great source of information and reality to keep Poorboy`s going and help point me in the right direction. When we redesigned our web-site, we copied Dwayne`s outlook of our labels and products, and the rest is now living history...always big thanks to Dwayne:bigups

07-01-2004, 08:08 PM
I think we still need to try this label out on a few bottles :lmfao

07-01-2004, 08:12 PM
:lmfao :rolling We`ll save those for our upcoming Professional line :rofl :D

07-01-2004, 10:55 PM
Maybe he should see this thread and pics:

Poorboy`s EX-P on Red SC430 (http://detailcity.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&postid=48949#post48949)

Although it`s EX-P and not EX...

My thought.. Try it, it`s only a wax or sealant! Don`t like it, no big deal and not a whole bunch of money lost. As in the name Poorboy`s...

Worked well for me! Now if I can only stop my neighbors from asking me to do their cars! :-p


07-01-2004, 11:21 PM
Originally posted by Poorboy
if you were around when we had our original labels(paper) you too probably would have ribbed me for them:lol
Here`s a picture that I took a few months ago for my EX-P Review thread. It compares a paper labeled bottle of EX with the EX-P prototype and production version. As you can see, the color has always been yellow.

Edit: Just to clarify, the little bottle in the center labeled EX II is the prototype EX-P (not a reformulated version of EX). For the production version of EX-P, the yellow coloring was eliminated.

07-02-2004, 10:45 AM
Hmm I must be old all my PB products came in hollowed out rocks :lol

07-02-2004, 11:14 AM
Originally posted by awd330
For the production version of EX-P, the yellow coloring was eliminated.

Because a white product matches the coconut smell better :-p