View Full Version : Later, dudes.

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Steve @ Guru
04-29-2002, 02:24 AM
My time has come - like the others before me, and the others who will eventually move on, it`s time for me to bid farewell.

No grandstanding, no complaints. Just a farewell and best wishes to you all.

edit: Check out the date on this thread before you reply ;)


04-29-2002, 02:57 AM
Sorry to see you go , steve,

we registered in about the same period , don`t tell me you won`t come back:confused:

Come back once and a while , never say never.

:sosad : here`s some music to accompany you as you move on

Friendly greetings,


04-29-2002, 07:51 AM
See ya steve, I had a nice talk with you about my car last week in chat. Hopoefully you go for a WRX. I am sure ill be on this forum for years to come.


Preachers Sheets
04-29-2002, 07:58 AM
I thought about moving along as well but I want to wait until all of you current guys move on and then I`ll play it off to all of the new guys that I was part of this fourm for 8 years and I am the grand master know all but I must move into a higher realm where you dont get busted for sniffing blitz.

04-29-2002, 08:22 AM
So long Steve. I fully understand your decision, I have a feeling many may be joining you soon.

Take care my friend,


Preachers Sheets
04-29-2002, 09:14 AM
I wonder what`s making these people leave, do they feel they have learned enough, do they not like specific people, do they not care anymore??? Just wondering.

I won`t leave because every time I come here I learn more. I feel this fourm helps people to become better well rounded detailers. This fourm allows me to know a little about everything and what to expect which I feel is very important, espically when I`m detailing for money. I need to be on the top of my game.

If it wasn`t for this fourm I would of quit detailing because of the "hazing". The first time I ran into it I thought I lost my detailing touch but then I used some All In One and remembered that it wasn`t just me.

04-29-2002, 09:34 AM
I wish you all the best and hope to see you on again every now and then. I have enjoyed our debates, and value the information you contributed to this forum.

I really hope that the "newbie post" issue is not the cause for anyone to leave the forum. As I have said in the past, that is what Autopia University is for. If one is bothered by that, just don`t visit that forum. I try to move posts from the main detailing section the best I can when they don`t apply. As far as I know, a fix is in the works to aid in this task.

This board is about a number of things....a great resource, a helpful community, a respectful environment, a diverse following, and a lot of fun. I don`t feel that any of those things are diminished due to newbies posting similar questions time and time again. If anything, it just reinforces the facts, and gives others a chance to help people out, not just the forum regulars and/or experts. If we all hang in there, I assure you this issue will work out, and till then, continue to enjoy the forum, and I hope to see you all posting!


04-29-2002, 09:36 AM

It was great having you while you were here. I always thought your posts were highly insightful, informative and well thought out. Also, thanks for your help regarding pre-wax cleaners and application techniques.

Best of luck to you!


04-29-2002, 10:44 AM
so long steve! Keep in touch. It was great chatting with you and all the good times. I will no longer be able to visit autopia as much either with the wrapping up of the college year.

04-29-2002, 12:39 PM

So long, you will be missed. I hope you still drop in the chats and humour us every now and then. As Al said, keep in touch!


04-29-2002, 05:48 PM
I`ll be very sorry to see you go. I always enjoy reading your posts. Very very informative. You used to name yourself "The Thread Killer", but I always thought the fact is your post covered pretty much everything, so there`s no more room for others to comment, and that is a good thing. :up

I could see this coming, since I noticed you haven`t been posting as much as before. Hope you hang around and post once a while. At least post some pics of the shinny 337 when you get it!

Take care man! :xyxthumbs

04-29-2002, 08:57 PM
What gives man? I`m not gonna talk about the good `ol times like everyone else. I think you should stay. I like you, give your decision a re-think, and if you can look at yourself in the mirror and feel that this is totally the right thing for you than do it. If not, get your a#$ back in here. :nono

04-29-2002, 09:14 PM
Why is everyone leaving? I think i`m gonna cry!

04-30-2002, 08:56 AM
As Franki Valli would say :" Oh won`t you stay, just a little bit longer?" ;)

01-02-2003, 11:37 PM
Welcome back! :wavey