View Full Version : I tried two new products (and the van results)

Preachers Sheets
04-27-2002, 10:11 PM
1.) Turtle Wax micofiber towels. Let`s just say now I know what all the hype is about and I will soon be switcing from cotton to microfiber once I see more of the Turtle Wax towels around, I don`t want to put up with ordering online, paying shipping and having to wait. How much do you guys pay for a YoSteve towel?

2.) Turtle Wax Tire Gel 2001, I guess I am a die hard TW fan now eh? This product as well is awesome, really really nice. It leaves the rubber look new and slick at the same time, not just dressed up, almost like they were this slick from the factory. I am impressed. I need to wash my rim everyday I use them due to the brake dust build up, hopefully this stuff with hold up.

Oh yea, I did the van I was talking about, I got all kinds of hazing (what a friggin nightmare) but once I put 2 layers of All In One of the van and 3 layers of Glaze it was looking real sweet. My father wouldn`t let me clean the rims or tires, he said he wanted to take the rims off of the van, use some kind of compound and clean them really well. I was surprised he wanted to go so far, I guess since the van looked so good he wanted the tires to match. Right now it looks dorky, everything is spic and spac expect for the dusty brown tires and dirty rims. The paint of the van is a blue green with shiny flakes. The clearcoat looks like a clear layer of icing over the paint. I think I did a really good job, I worked on it one day from 8 am until 3 pm and another day (today) from 8.30 am to 5.00 pm. Took me a while but I think it`s the best looking car in the whole hood. Honestly.

Just wanted to drop you guys a line.

04-27-2002, 11:11 PM
Yeah I bought two of the Turtle Wax MF towels a few weeks ago and I`m about to go back and clean out the whole shelf of em. :D

Oh and since you said "you dont want to put up with ordering online"...does that mean you found klasse AIO and SG locally?

Preachers Sheets
04-27-2002, 11:25 PM
I have ordered all of my stuff in the past on-line but it`s a pain in the arse. Usally when I order I only need a few things and the next week or so I need something else and it never ends. With 10.00+ shipping everytime and a weeks wait I can`t deal with it, it is pissing me off.

I wish there was free shipping and it over 3 day.

John Z
04-28-2002, 12:29 AM
Where did you find those two products? I tried to order the TW Tire Gel from O Reilly but they said I would have to pay the freight charges. Any other place where I can get them? Wasn`t it gel discontinued?

04-28-2002, 09:13 AM

04-28-2002, 09:38 AM
Just FYI, neatitems.com has free shipping anywhere in the US or Canada... I just ordered 25 MF towels.... :D

04-28-2002, 12:19 PM

You finally got around to doing the van??? Terrific!! I remember us talking about how nasty it was. Make sure your dad follows thru on the wheels, otherwise do them yourself and just get them done.

Are ya gonna post pics??

Preachers Sheets
04-28-2002, 03:34 PM
Drbigz - I got the TW Tire Gel 2001 at lappens. It`s raining now and the car tires look awesome.

MP5 - Thanks alot, how do these towels compare with the TW`s I have, how much per towel as well?

Bret - I`ll make sure my dad takes care of them, if not, next weekend, I`ll do them myself. I`m not going to take pictures as of yet.... I want to get the tires taken care of, maybe then if I get around to it. I`m not the show off type, I never think my work is good enough to show others.

04-28-2002, 05:04 PM

The neatitems towels I have are great. I currently have 10 12x12" towels which I use for removing AIO and SG, QDing, and cleaning the interior. I just ordered another 20 - 10 more for me and my financee and 10 for my mom down south. When you order 10 the price is about $3.45 each, but if you order only 1 or 2 I think you pay over $5 each. The quality is much better than anything store-bought that I`ve found. I have some 3m MFs that I found in Costco a year or two back and the neatitems are better.

Anyway, hope that helps. And post some pics of the van!

Preachers Sheets
04-28-2002, 10:04 PM
3.45 a towel? Man that`s better than what I paid, I could of almost got three of your towels for the price of one.

Right now, two towels took care of an entire van so I am sure they will take care of my Camaro but I guess I just order online if I need anymore. Maybe when I get more customers I`ll just got a batch of 20.