View Full Version : 3M Tire dressing

04-26-2002, 04:01 PM
Is there anyone on this board who uses this stuff???? I could have sworn that someone did and sais that it was water based, but when I read the label it contains white mineral oil (petroleum). what does that do!!!??? anyways, thanks for the help. Yikes!!! what happed to all my posts!!! I had more than 40!:confused:

04-26-2002, 04:46 PM
I use the Rubber Treatment and Tire Dressing #39042. I use it mainly as a tire dressing but have pretty much much switched over to Meg #40 (cheaper). The 3M gave a real clean, matte black look with hardly any shine. I liked the look but not the price.

04-26-2002, 05:54 PM
Hey Matt

Nice to see someone else on this board thats from the same home town.

I`m using Eagle one right now. The gloss is too high even after buffing it off but once its gets washed once it is better. I also noticed that if it is applied too heavily that it will sling. How do u like 3M

04-27-2002, 01:14 AM
The 3M seemed like baby oil to me. Same consistency and all just without the smell. splattered all over my paint and fenderwells. Pretty low on my list of things to use on tire. Made them turn brown too. Doesn`t even hold a candle to vinylex, 303, or z-16

04-27-2002, 12:50 PM
I use the 3m tire dressing. At first i thought it was a great product. I didnt think that it flinged off and i thought it had a good shine that wasnt to shiny. But after a couple of applications i notice it was getting all over my rims. It wouldn`t fling to the fender but it would get on my rim. Now i doesnt fling as much as most tire dressings that i have seen. The mess it made was minimal in comparison. But it was like after 4 hours i couldn`t even notice it on the tire.

IT does do okay on the plastic parts and trim that it says you can use it for. But it does attract dust to those parts

In the end i wouldnt recommend it

I hope that helped


04-27-2002, 01:46 PM
Hey buldog!!! Do you still live in windsor??? You should e-mail me if so, I`d love to meet with a fellow Autopian. I have been on this board for a long time now, one of the first 20 members if I`m correct. It has gotten so big that it`s hard to recognize everyone! It`s not a bad thing, it`s just hard. Has anyone had any info on this Mineral oil stuff? Good or bad? Thanks!

04-27-2002, 02:52 PM
Sorry.....by White Mineral oil, I meant that it has Petroleum in brackets beside it on the label. Petroleum eh.....I thought this was bad. Just my luck I just bought 2 bottels of the stuff yeaterday. Shoudda read the label. Can someone get back to me on this stuff and the damage that petroleum can do. Thanks!

P.S. Check your e-mail Buldog.:wavey