View Full Version : must... purify... car... (AIO q) =(

minty fresh
04-19-2002, 07:57 PM
anyways, i took my car in for its 10k maintainence the other day at the dealership. as hour two began to roll by for a job i was told would take only one, i got antsy and looked around and found a couple techs sitting in my car with the a/c full blast listening to a ball game. and on top of that they washed my car! :mad:

i had only detailed a couple days earlier (AIO + SG) now i can see swirls again. i know this is bordering on obsessive compulsive, but i want to do another full detail. i... feel... so... violated.

i`ve read AIO is slightly abrasive, would it be bad for me to reapply again in such a short span of time?

04-19-2002, 08:35 PM
If you re AIO the car then it will take all the SG off that you put on before. Try adding another layer of SG to the car. It is possible that the swirls might just be in the Klasse and not in your car. If they don`t come out then you`ll want to strip it all down and buff the swirls out again and basicly start all over.

Did you talk to the shop manager about it? I would flip if I saw something like that!! Not to mention the whole car washing thing. If I didn`t give them permission to wash my car then them washing it is not right and they should pay to have it buffed out.

minty fresh
04-19-2002, 09:05 PM
<blockquote class=`ipsBlockquote` >

<em class=`bbc`>Originally posted by Jngrbrdman [/i]
<strong class=`bbc`>If you re AIO the car then it will take all the SG off that you put on before. Try adding another layer of SG to the car. It is possible that the swirls might just be in the Klasse and not in your car. If they don`t come out then you`ll want to strip it all down and buff the swirls out again and basicly start all over.
yeah, i know it`ll null all the work i did from before if i AIO again. :( and i don`t think i can apply another layer of SG because i topped the first layer with a carnauba. will i harm the paint if i AIO again?

<blockquote class=`ipsBlockquote` >

<em class=`bbc`>Originally posted by Jngrbrdman [/i]
<strong class=`bbc`>Did you talk to the shop manager about it? I would flip if I saw something like that!! Not to mention the whole car washing thing. If I didn`t give them permission to wash my car then them washing it is not right and they should pay to have it buffed out. [/b]</blockquote>
i was pretty angry, but decided not make a stink about it. i really didn`t want them touching my car any further and i do have to go back for the scheduled maintainences under warranty. so, i didn`t want to be remembered and have them be jerky to me in the future.

04-19-2002, 09:10 PM
more AIO won`t hurt the paint. All it will do is strip the old carnuba and SG off so you can start again. It sucks but that`s the process. I`d make sure you tell the shop manager or someone that your car is not to be washed by them. If you specificly tell them not to touch it then they will be in deep doo doo if they wash it again. AlBoston can share in your troubles with the dealership swirling the finish. He has before and after pics where you can see that the car had zero to start with and now there are swirls. ...and they call themselves "professionals!" Sheesh!

minty fresh
04-19-2002, 09:24 PM
ahh ok thanks. i don`t really mind doing it over again, i just got into detailing recently and kinda like it and bonding with my car. :)

but i just wanted to make sure i wasn`t doing more harm than good AIO`ing again after a week as far as the paint went.

and yup, i read AlBoston`s thread and can empathize now. i will for sure next time remember to tell the counterperson and stick post-its in the car NOT to wash it. as for this particular dealership, it is a higher end one and you`d think they`d know better or do a better job, but the carwash was **** poor. along with the swirls there were water spots on the hood and trunk!