View Full Version : Blackfire vs. Klasse

04-17-2002, 10:41 AM
Well, I finally got in my new house (and I have a garage now). My truck looks real bad from moving and I want to get her cleaned up this weekend. I haven`t been on here in a while, so I haven`t heard the latest news on Blackfire. I have the polish & protectant sitting in my garage, as well as Klasse. What would y`all recommend? I like how Klasse makes my paint deeper.

04-17-2002, 12:02 PM
Blackfire has the deepest (nicest?) shine of all the sealants out there. My experience though is that it is a little more high maintenance than Klasse. However, it holds up better if you DON`T use the BF wash...it`s just too harsh. So it depends on whether looks or durability is more important to you....


04-17-2002, 02:26 PM

In what ways do you think it is higher maintenance? I am also thinking about putting a coat of Blitz over top of it.

04-17-2002, 03:48 PM
BF durability is debatable, and I think that`s what Bigboy meant by higher maintenance. You might need to renew a coat or two more frequently than Klasse.

Last week I stripped BF off my white car (which had 11 applications of BF) and replaced with 1xAIO & 1xSG, and immediately I noticed decrease in shine (which I was a little surprised and upset). Kind of regret I did this, but there`s no going back for now and I don`t want to use carnauba topper, so I`m planning to put 10 more applications of SG and hope to reclaim the same (or better) shine back.

If you want to stick to one system without topper, then BF is the choice if you are looking for good shine and have the time to renew a coat every now and then (like once a month), but if durability is your primary concern then Klasse is the way to go, all IMHO of course. :)

By the way, don`t forget about Zaino! :)

04-17-2002, 03:57 PM
In my experience I have learned that 2 layers of BF (one of each bottle) gives the same appearance as 5 layers of SG with a carnuba topper. This picture is without any carnuba at all. I just clayed, PPCL, and BF the car.


There are a few other examples in the Projects page of my Autopia hompage (link in my sig)

Klasse makes the car bright but Blackfire gives it a wet look that I`ve only gained by adding carnuba to Klasse. Even with Blackfire`s downsides (durability and dust attraction to name a couple) I still say that the appearance is better than Klasse. For the best looks right after you detail then I would go with BF. For the best looks 3 months after you detail I would go with Klasse. And, of course, if you continue to apply carnuba on top of either BF or Klasse the apperance only gets better.

04-17-2002, 04:24 PM

Why not go with the topper on the SG?


04-17-2002, 05:41 PM
I agree with William, the durability of BlackFire is sketchey at best. I think bigboy nailed it though, most of problem lies with the BlackFire wash. If I recall correctly Geekeys tests concluded that it had a very high Ph level.

04-17-2002, 07:20 PM

I do have Souveran, but I don`t feel comfortable applying something less durable as topper. Especially there`s a QD that`s designed to be used with Klasse, and I don`t want to Dawn wash every time I want to add a new layer of SG (which I intend to do very often). My philosophy is this, if it`s going to take 10 coats of SG to achieve the comparable result (on appearance) that can be done with just 1 coat of Carnauba, then I`ll throw 10 coats of SG on. I guess I`m weird. :D Well, I enjoy waxing my car so I guess it`s okay.

04-19-2002, 04:42 PM
Well, since you have both I`d say start with BF. I too went from BF back to Klasse for many of the reasons listed.

Try it for a few months then give Klasse a shot.

I have not gone back to the topper, like working with SG too often.

W420, I wonder if the 10 coats of SG will help with the depth you`re are missing. Over what amont of time are you looking to get them on?

04-20-2002, 02:52 PM
Likecars - Unlike ZFX or BF, it is to my understanding that Klasse needs 24hours curing time for <em class=`bbc`>optimum[/i] result, so my plan is 1 coat per week over 10 weeks. Now I wish they make KlasseFX so I can get this done in 4 weeks. :D

IMO, Zaino can shine very well without carnauba, and I`m trying to proof that, by massive layering, Klasse can do just the same (with more effort and time) "independently" without the aid of Carnauba...... Hey, I`ll race you to 10. ;)

04-20-2002, 03:26 PM
What is SG?

Why not put the Klasse over the Black Fire?:confused:

04-20-2002, 03:30 PM
<blockquote class=`ipsBlockquote` >

<em class=`bbc`>Originally posted by X-MAN [/i]
<strong class=`bbc`>What is SG?
Why not put the Klasse over the Black Fire?:confused: [/b]</blockquote>
SG is Klasse. "Sealant Glaze" Its the grey bottle. I am going to experiment with SG over Blackfire this summer. I love the wet look of Blackfire so much that I would hate to diminish it with SG but we`ll see what happens. Who knows...? It may turn out to look tons better.

Lone Wolf
04-20-2002, 03:55 PM
BF creates an awesome shine but for me it only lasted about 3 months..I had 5 coats of BF..I also experimented with Blitz on top and it really made a big difference to me..The Blitz made the BF shine sparkle..very deep and wet looking. Im assuming that if I got 3 months from Bf alone, by adding Blitz, I could easily get 5-6 months of protection...Of course Ive never gone more than 2 months without adding something!!!

I have 5 coats of Z on now and durability is awesome!!! It gives a nice shine, not as deep as carnuba but it is still great!! Very reflective and smooth. Im going to try Blitz on top to see what it does to the Z shine...

04-20-2002, 11:52 PM
William, fully agree Z needs no carnuba. Only using Klasse on the Odyssey which will get 4 or so SG in May. Will use the time to put more Z on the other car! I`ll take you up on your challenge for some Z2/Z5 coats:) .