View Full Version : How often to wax a black car?

04-15-2002, 06:02 PM
I live down in South Fl and it is almost impossible to keep my BMW 325CI in prestine condition. Water spots are a big problem down here. How often can I wax without damaging the finish? I prefer to use Meguire`s #9 and then Blitz wax....The combination produces amazing results....for five minutes at least...

04-15-2002, 06:06 PM
You can wax as often as you like. As long as the surface is clean and prepared for wax then you can just pile the stuff on. I usually add a coat once a month just to keep it up. Some of the finer waxes, like Pinnacle`s wax, doesn`t last much longer than that anyway so its worth it. Every 4 to 6 weeks should be fine for a wax schedule.

Bobby G
04-15-2002, 07:28 PM

If you have not tried a quick detailing (QD) spray, you might want to look into it. You can QD once a day, or ever couple of days, to remove dust and water spots from afternoon rain. If you`re a wax man (vs. sealant), my favorite products are Eimann Fabrik Clear Pearl (http://www.properautocare.com/cp-32.html (`http://www.properautocare.com/cp-32.html`)) and Pinnacle Crystal Mist (http://www.properautocare.com/pin-320.html (`http://www.properautocare.com/pin-320.html`)). Both of these products will touch-up the wax. For a lower cost product without protection, look at Meguiar`s Final Inspection (http://www.properautocare.com/megfinin.html (`http://www.properautocare.com/megfinin.html`)). If you want to learn more about quick detailing, go to this thread: http://autopia-carport.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=8597. (`http://autopia-carport.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=8597.`)


04-16-2002, 03:56 PM
Quick detailer is a good idea between waxes. I usually wax my black car once a month. Just my $.02

04-16-2002, 03:59 PM
I apply Blitz every month to my black Alfa 164 :)


04-16-2002, 04:26 PM
With your car being Black and exposed to the humid hot conditions of Florida I would say wax at least once a month. Maybe once every 3 weeks during months of extreme heat and sun exposure.