View Full Version : ...and then I tried Zaino

04-14-2002, 09:32 PM
Used Zaino for the first time yesterday. My buddy and I busted out 2 cars: My wife’s Forester and his M3. I’ve used Blitz, Klasse, Blackfire and now Zaino. His car got Griot’s machine polish 2, 2 coats of Z5 and a coat of Z2. The Forester got Griot’s machine polish 3 (very fine) and 2 coats of Z5. I’ll start in with the Z2 in the coming week. Made a 2oz batch of Z5 with the ZFX, got 4 coats with a tad leftover, thicker than Klasse sealant glaze but I tend to use about 1/2oz a coat with SG as well. Application and removal of the Zaino was pretty easy, about the same as Blackfire.

I really like the way both cars came out. The paint looks very wet, clean and deep. The way lighted images reflect off the paint at night is fantastic. I’m not seeing the sterility or lack of warmth I’ve heard some refer to. Both these cars have metallic fleck (mica) in them and in IMHO Zaino gave them depth I have not seen. Maybe on glossy paints without with out fleck is a different story..dunno. Anyways my buddy sent me a pic to post, my G1 is being sold on consignment and hopefully I’ll have my new camera next week. I’ll post some shots then.


04-15-2002, 01:22 PM
That Bimmer looks great!

I agree with Zaino giving plenty of depth and clarity. My shine isn`t "sterile" either and there certainly isn`t any lack of depth on my finish. I tend to wonder what people are seeing with Zaino when they say this.:nixweiss

Anyhow, great work! Since you`ve used plenty of the major systems, which do you feels gives the best results?

04-15-2002, 02:31 PM
All of the above look great albeit a little different from one another. Durability is a big factor for me Blitz doesn’t work out for this reason, both our cars are outside covered parking daily drivers. Klasse AIO + 4 layers of SG got me thru 3 months of summer and 4 months of winter with a coat of SG thrown in at some point during the winter, two thumbs up did a great job! Don’t have any long-term experience with Blackfire or Zaino yet. As far as the immediate gratification factor goes based on looks I’d give the nod to Z.