View Full Version : BF Polish Removes FI-2 Haze

04-14-2002, 11:09 AM
I noticed that when FI-2 left a slight haze, going straight to BF polish didnt seem to be a problem, the finish looked great. Well I wanted to know for sure if it was removng the haze or jutst filling it in. So i cleaned a small section off with IA and some water. Then I proceded to use a wool pad, at 5-6 on the PC. This left a small haze, not too bad but noticable under close inspection none the less. (BTW, FI-2 works better on a warm surface, the heat breaks down the abrasives better, its a pain to take off but if you just use a damp towel, its just fine). Then with the white foam pad, with the PC at 4.5, I worked in some BF polish. The finish looked great. Now for the test. I cleaned the area off with IA and water a couple of times, and the finish still looked great. I`d sa that the BF polish removed 95% of the FI-2 haze. This is a big plus in my opinion.