View Full Version : Question about Klasse?

04-12-2002, 10:39 PM
I was wondering: lets say that you have AIO and SG on your car. A month or two passes and you start to notice some swirls appearing. Do you just reapply the AIO and Sg again or do you just put on SG. Does it work the same way Zaino Z5 and Z2 work.


04-12-2002, 10:49 PM
For a month or two, I`d reapply SG vice starting all over with AIO. How does/would the paint feel?

You can put Z-5/Z-2 in any combination you desire. One does not `strip` the other.

04-12-2002, 10:58 PM
putting AIO on again would remove your SG that you applied. Try just applying another layer or two of SG and if the swirls don`t go anywhere then you will have to take other measures.

04-12-2002, 11:19 PM
What are the swirls like? I know some people get a light hazing after applying a few coats of SG. I think it goes away if you keep applying it though. How many coats do you have on?