View Full Version : FSPSUPP-C review

04-11-2002, 02:42 PM
Okay sorry, this product isn’t part of the acronym list yet. But if you guessed Four Star PLATINUM Series Ultimate Paint Pre-Cleaner, then you`re right.

About a month ago, I was searching for a new paint cleanser. My goal was to find the mildest one out there that can still remove road contamination. I already had Meguiar’s #9, Scratch-X, and 3M SMR but those were products more powerful abrasively than chemically. Pinnacle PCL was also too aggressive.

After chatting with Dwayne McPeeks from Four Star, he suggested me to try their new Pre-Cleaner. I was willing to try nearly anything, and so… the package arrived a few days later. Thumbs up for their great service!

I poured a small amount of the Pre-Cleaner onto a dry microfiber applicator and proceeded applying it onto small sections of my bumper. I had to use a considerable amount of force to eliminate minor contaminants, but was later rewarded from its ease of removal. All I needed to do was to give the paint a swipe with a towel- no QD, no rubbing.

The results were also very nice. After removing the product, it revealed a clearer and deeper finish that felt “squeaky-clean” and very slick. The FSPSUPPC seemed to deeply cleanse the paint of very fine particles. However, any bigger contamination was left untouched. It didn’t remove anything close to PPCL or clay, and did nothing to fine scratches or swirl marks. I’m left with the impression that it is more of a glaze than a polish.

So do I like it? Yes, I love it and recommend it. But did it meet my criteria? The product is a bit <em class=`bbc`>too[/i] gentle. It didn’t do much cleansing at all and anything more than minor still needed the help of clay. Don’t take me wrong; its great stuff. Use it as a new-car polish or use it every 6 months if you have an inclusive carnauba detailing schedule. But for me, I’m just looking for something more aggressive.

<strong class=`bbc`>Pros:[/b] Ease of removal, gloss, depth, and clarity enhancement, great service
<strong class=`bbc`>Cons:[/b] A bit too mild for my tastes, orange-peel on the non-clearcoated bottle ;)

<strong class=`bbc`>Price: [/b] $.93/ounce
<strong class=`bbc`>More Info: [/b] www.4starplatinum.com or www.tacscar.com

http://store4.yimg.com/I/premiumautocare_1684_913486 (`http://www.4starplatinum.com/platulpainpr.html`)
<em class=`bbc`>[click the picture above for the product discription][/i]

Thanks for reading…

04-11-2002, 04:03 PM
bw, you might want to give einszett`s paint polish or ultra polish a try. from the smell of them they`re definately more chemically aggressive than abrasively aggressive. btw, both work great. the einszett line is my latest test subjects.:up

04-11-2002, 05:36 PM
Thanks for the review!

Have you considered P21S PCL as another alternative? It`s supposed to be pretty mild...

04-11-2002, 07:38 PM
Nice review BW. :up Did you try the Ultimate Paint Protection? I have been thinking of trying a bottle on the dark cars.

04-11-2002, 07:58 PM
BW, great review.

Have you thought about mixing it with one of your other polishes, just to find that perfect combo?

Maybe mix a 50/50 solution of UPP and PPCL or SMR in a little 2 oz. bottle and test results. Sometimes this custom mixing is the only way to get a product to react exactly as you want it to. It`s something I used to do when I had my own detailing biz and I knew a lot of guys who did the same thing.

If you try it let us know.

04-11-2002, 11:26 PM
Bret, I`ll give that a try and see if I can come up with anything I like. Thanks for the great idea!

ShowroomLincoln, no I haven`t tried the Ultimate Paint Protection yet, but I hear it’s a quality product with a good shine that slots between a polymer sealant and carnauba in terms of durability.

sonnydaze1 and Metallic Mike, thanks for the suggestions. Currently, I think I`m spending just too much money on detailing products, but when I run out of my current cleaning arsenal, I`ll consider the two along with the UPP.


Happy detailing,


Preachers Sheets
04-12-2002, 07:54 AM
Good review, another product to keep in mind for those brand spanking new cars.

Right now, All In One is my mild polish. It takes care of very very light swirls while laying down a good base for Klasse Glaze or wax.

04-18-2002, 10:58 PM
<strong class=`bbc`>Update 1:[/b]

I’ve used more and more of FSPSUPP-C, and I really have to say how great it is when used as a new car polish. From brand new Dodge paint to new Audi paint, it quickly removed <span class=`bbc_underline`>fresh contamination and left the new paint feeling “squeaky-clean.” The paint surface felt very slick and seemed perfect before an application of a carnauba wax. But there wasn’t a nasty chemical smell and it still seemed very mild, both chemically and abrasively.

It`s great on new cars...

04-18-2002, 11:04 PM
<strong class=`bbc`>More:[/b]

DK has agreed to perform his infamous propeller test, so hopefully we can conclude to something about its level of aggression. We can also see how it compares against the BF GEP and see if they really are the same thing.

Thanks DK!

05-01-2002, 12:32 PM

Any update on this???


05-01-2002, 10:06 PM
Sorry, I have a little sample bottle waiting for delivery... but I never seemed to have sent it yet. I`ll try tomorrow...
