View Full Version : don`t laugh...LONG

04-11-2002, 09:51 AM
but I really like Mother`s Carnauba cleaner wax...here`s why...my friend has a 1998 Mustang (Black) that the previous owner must have used sandpaper to dry it...his hood is horrendous and we have buffed it like 8 times in the last two months with not much luck at all so yesterday we stepped up to some really abrasive stuff and went at it...1. Rubbing Compound 2.Polishing compound 3.Scratch X 4.3M SMR 5. 3M Fill `n Glaze 6. Meguiar`s #26...looked really good after the three coats of FNG and then after that we topped it with #26 and back came the scratches...So I suggested a wash because perhaps it was just residue...after the wash, looked like @$$. So I said I had some Mother`s Cleaner Wax that came with the clay kit and we should through some of that on...it was amazing what that wax filled, cleaned and covered...nice shine too! I`m not sure about durability but it looked very nice. We washed it just to be sure it had really done something and the results remained...we then QD`ed and went for a cruise!

MidLife Cruiser
04-11-2002, 10:42 AM
As much as some may malign others` choices in products, I won`t do that. If it works for you, it works! Often in our striving for perfection on our own ride, we come to the conclusion that a certain product is above all others in all cases. At times we look almost as elitist as Frazier and Niles Crane, and just as silly. There are some fine, less expensive products that give great results. This is especially true when the detailer`s technique and prep work is good. Whether it lasts six months, beads or sheets water, repels dust, is impervious to alien attacks or whatever doesn`t necessarily matter. It, by golly, looks good now, so jump in and let`s go for a ride!:xyxthumbs

04-11-2002, 11:18 AM
To be blunt, I am not afraid of using Meguiar`s, Eagle One, or Mother`s products on vehicles. I like all three lines. :D

04-11-2002, 11:34 AM
I have learned in my experiences, and not just with detail products and methods, that what works for one, doesn`t always work for another.

I have seen products that some people swear by, and have seen good reults from with my own eyes, look like complete A--. I have also seen products that most of us wouldn`t use give excellent results. Every situation is different, every person using them is different.

I think it is all about sharing ideas on what we used to get what result. Knowledge is a great thing, and if you have heard different results, then when you run acroos a situation you will have ways to approach it.

Of course I will laugh at the guy I see every morning in traffic with about 2 yrs of wax residue in every crack and crevice. :scared

04-11-2002, 12:25 PM
Agreed... excellent post, Mid-Life Cruiser! :bow

<blockquote class=`ipsBlockquote` >

<em class=`bbc`>Originally posted by Mid-Life Cruiser [/i]
<strong class=`bbc`>As much as some may malign others` choices in products, I won`t do that. If it works for you, it works! Often in our striving for perfection on our own ride, we come to the conclusion that a certain product is above all others in all cases. At times we look almost as elitist as Frazier and Niles Crane, and just as silly. There are some fine, less expensive products that give great results. This is especially true when the detailer`s technique and prep work is good. Whether it lasts six months, beads or sheets water, repels dust, is impervious to alien attacks or whatever doesn`t necessarily matter. It, by golly, looks good now, so jump in and let`s go for a ride!:xyxthumbs [/b]</blockquote>

Preachers Sheets
04-11-2002, 12:28 PM
Basically your hiding some swirls, fixing other swirls and giving the car a shine while your at it.

If you plan to detail your car often you COULD use the cleaner wax every weekend. Each weekend you would of fixed more swirls for good while giving the car`s shine a boost. You may not fix them all at once but I am sure a weekly waxing with a cleaner wax over the span of two months will fix a good amount of your swirls.

Maybe then you`ll go nuts and break out the SMR to fix the rest or maybe you`ll keep going with the cleaner wax. It`s all about getting the showroom shine, now about how you get there (as long as it`s safe, and your safe).

04-11-2002, 12:39 PM
thanks for the excellent replies, guys...I knew this was the nicest forum around...and well put post midlifecruiser...everyone needs to hear that.