View Full Version : Water Spots Under Ksg

04-11-2002, 07:43 AM
Hope you folks can help.

I currently have 5 layers of KSG on my truck. I washed it last Friday(two bucket method, 100% cotton mitt, in the shade). My wife called me from work, and had some emergency, so I had to take care of something right away. Anyway, when I came back outside(15 minutes later)...ARGGH!! Water spots on my hood!

I immediately used Wet Wipe n` Shine and FI with an MF to try and remove. No luck, the spots where on the hood. Funny thing is, they were not anywhere else. I have used sunlight, flash light, and my lights in the garage to check the truck from every angle. Seems the spots are only on the hood.

I have tried claying the hood with Mothers to remove the spots. No luck, they are still there. Hood is smooth, spots remain.

I used 100% white vinegar last night and an MF to remove. The spots still remain. They faded a bit, but are still there.

Here are my questions

1. Should I AIO to remove the spots(just on the hood) and then build up my layers of KSG again? I am lucky, I can leave the truck in the garage and build up my layers of KSG again on the hood over the weekend and next week.

2. Or do I need to use PPCL and remove all of the AIO and KSG on the truck to really remove the spots?

I can use the PPCL...just ticked me off. I felt really stupid and un-autopian. I have NEVER left water on my truck before. My wife`s emergency thing got my brain so scrambled that I forgot all about the water on the truck until I came back outside.

Anyway, any suggestions are helpful. Please be detailed in your offerings. I know vinegar removes KSG and wax, just not sure if all my KSG was removed last night or not.

Thanks in advance


Frustrated water spotted hood

Preachers Sheets
04-11-2002, 08:05 AM
I would try to use All In One on one water spot on your hood, see if that remove`s it. If so, do the entire hood over and re-layer all of that Klasse :(

If the All In One doesn`t work then try 3M SMR :eek: That would suck but you gotta do what you gotta do.

04-11-2002, 08:09 AM
Why not try using vinegar again if it faded the spots? It`s somewhat acidic so it is probably stripping Klasse but it`s better to strip slowly than just get it all off of your car if you don`t need to.

If that doesn`t do anything, it might be time to break out the AIO.

04-11-2002, 09:05 AM
Thanks for the replies so far!

Yeah, I will try that tonight. First use vinegar again. Then use bucket of clean water and MT to remove any vinegar residue. See if spots are gone.

IF that does`nt work I will test the AIO.

Just a word to the wise. NEVER believe that KSG will prevent water spots(no matter HOW many layers you have on)

I thought..oh, it`s just 10 minutes, all that KSG will protect me.

It does protect...but not against the evil mineral water spot goblins! Watch out, you never know when the goblins are headed your way!


04-11-2002, 09:07 AM
You`ll be surprised how much SG will "lock in" anything you missed in the prep stage.

Vinegar, AIO, SMR, perhaps something stronger (abrasive) and a bit a of elbow grease will get you on your way.

04-11-2002, 09:18 AM
Yo Steve,

I could be wrong, but the water spots only came AFTER the KSG was on the hood. My eyes could be screwy, but I checked the suface of the hood MANY times before I applied the KSG, and I never saw the water spots until after I washed last Friday. It`s like in that 15 minutes the water "seeped" through the 5 layers of KSG and got underneath it.

I know that sounds crazy...anyway..no use cryin over it now.

Just going to use Vinegar tonight, and if that fails to remove, AIO again, then "keep the truck in the garage for the next week" and layer back on the KSG.

Thank goodness the spots are only on the hood. The rest of the truck seemed to be spared from the mineral water goblins.


04-11-2002, 10:53 AM
oh my bad

my car has had water spots it all week from the rain, plus I try to rinse it off when I get home, but even the dried stuff comes right off next wash.

I`m sorta luckier than most because pollution is so minimal in "the Berry." (Newbury, Ohio)

04-11-2002, 11:06 AM
That`s what`s so wierd Steve. I guess I could have had spots underneath..maybe just did`nt see em??? Then the 4th or 5th layer of KSG brought em out of the finish??? I don`t know. To be safe I will use vinegar, then rinse. Clay lightly to ensure the surface is really smooth. Then start re-applying the KSG.

I figure I might loose two layers of KSG using Vinegar and clay, better than all KSG using AIO or PPCL though!

04-11-2002, 12:17 PM
how about inbetween the layers, did you use any fluid to buff?

04-11-2002, 12:18 PM
I did mist my MF bonnet on the PC with Wet wipe N Shine and buffed off. I never misted the truck though....maybe, maybe the wipe`n shine collected under a layer or something?


04-11-2002, 05:46 PM
I think I am having this problem also :nixweiss

04-12-2002, 03:38 PM

What are you seeing on your finish? I will finally get to work on mine tonight. I thought about it...and think maybe I will just vinegar the spots, add two or three more layers of KSG over the next week, and hope for the best.

The vinegar can probably remove all of the spots...if not its to AIO I suppose.

Anyway, I`ll stop my gripin` I suppose FAR worse things could happen...like a big stone chip in the center of my hood or something like that. All in all, water spots which you can only see under bright lights are not so bad...

Al, let me know what you are seeing. I am interested to compare. Mine look like tiny, tiny water spots underneath the KSG. The surface is very slick and has a deep shine. I only see the spots under fluorescent lights. I have not taken the truck out in the sun, pollen is BAD here right now. Keeping it in the garage so I can lovingly layer on more Klasse after I remove the spots.

04-12-2002, 05:16 PM
Yep that is exactly the same thing! Very very small water spots that I can only see under gas station lights. This is the only spot I can see swirls too. It is so hard to see this on silver, I am beginning to wish I got black. Now I don`t know what I`m doing wrong? Plus black lexus = AWESOME. Check this one out with Zaino on it... it`s just taunting me to buy some :p . Sorry the image thing didn`t work, there are the links.


http://us.f1.yahoofs.com/users/5c6344ea/bc/My+IS300/DSCN0165.jpg?bcLD2t8AkRGpBumj (`http://us.f1.yahoofs.com/users/5c6344ea/bc/My+IS300/DSCN0165.jpg?bcLD2t8AkRGpBumj`)