View Full Version : Desperate measures...

04-10-2002, 10:13 PM
After hearing the Omaha forcast for today (75 degrees), I decided to tackle the engine bay on my son`s `93 Black Prelude. First task: underside of the hood. I`ve never seen a hood with as many gussetts, braces, holes with indented surrounds, etc. Close to 10 years of hard water spots, oil film, dust and unspeakable grunge. Confident that my ArmorAll multipurpose cleaner and a cotton rag would do the job I set to work. Hmmm, no luck. Next came MF towels, plastic pot scrubber thingies, scotchbright scouring pads, 0000 grade steel wool. Rats! Zaino plastic polish, glass polish, denatured alcohol - nada! Into the home cleaning closet next: Faint of heart Autopians, don`t try this at home. Scrubbing Bubbles tile cleaner, Lime Away, couple different brands of tub and tile cleaner. OK, now I`m mad, brace yourself, here comes the Easy Off Oven Cleaner (no kidding)! OK, I give. Got out the 3M rubbing compound, old MF towels. 7 hours later, it looks like new. Now all I need is a chiroprator and a few days rest, plus a few bandaids for the tips of my fingers from all the sharp edges under the hood. How sick is it that I feel great? I`ve won! Woo hoo! Can`t wait to start on the engine and surroundings.

04-10-2002, 10:33 PM

which of the chemicals you listed, worked on your hood?


04-10-2002, 10:55 PM
Rubbing compound mixed with large amounts of elbow grease is what worked. Why doesn`t the easy way ever work? Had fun experimenting though. Down side is that my wife strongly suggested that since I have experience with the Easy Off Oven Cleaner, I should clean our oven now. What`s fun about that?

04-10-2002, 11:11 PM
it`s not, so use the rubbing compound on the oven instead :D

04-10-2002, 11:14 PM
YoSteve, be careful what you wish for, I used the rubbing compound on the glass shower doors this winter because it was too cold to run to the store for more bathroom cleaner. I have to admit, I was too chicken to use the PC on the doors because of the water/electricity thing, besides, what pad would I use?