View Full Version : P21s VS. Klasse

04-09-2002, 11:31 PM
Which of these is better at hiding swirls? Which provides a better shine? I know that the klasse would be way better with durability. Some people say the paintwork cleansing lotion does a great job at hiding swirls and some it doesn`t. How about the Klasse. Does it do a good job of hiding swirls. It also sounds like Klasse is kind of hard to apply and remove. There are lots of tricks it seems.

Which is better


Preachers Sheets
04-10-2002, 07:25 AM
Well if your talking about the PS12 wax and the Klasse Glaze then I would go for the Glaze. I have used it on a fair amount of swirls and it worked pretty well. It will give you the shine and long lasting protection while the PS12 wax will just give you half a month of a great shine.


Klasse All In One is made to correct swirls for good. Klasse Glaze is the topper, it will hide swirls until the Glaze starts to fade and you`ll see your swirls re-apply more and more.

The Klasse All In One is the easiest product to to apply and remove I have ever used since I have been detailing, it goes on with a applicator that 99% of us like to spray mist with water (to save product and make application even easier). The All In One comes off within 2 seconds of application with the simple light swipe of a towel. Really really easy product to use. If there was a product line that worked as well as Klasse and was as easy to apply and remove I would start spending some serious money.

The Klasse Glaze is the harder product to remove, people just spray mist the towel they are using to remove the product with water and claim it comes off much easier than it normally would. I remove the product pretty easily and I don`t even use the mist but I am going to try it, heck if it`s easier to remove it`ll just save me time ............ for another layer of Glaze.

Aside from that it is not hard to apply, remove or tricky to use. You just need to use it and understand what all the talk is about, it`s hard to expect specific results unless you roll up your sleeves and get your hands dirty.

04-10-2002, 07:50 PM
Klasse SG is definitely better at hiding swirls. You can always start with 3-5 coats of Klasse SG and then top off with the P21 carnauba wax. Many here do this and love the results. Laters