View Full Version : Just shoot me...

04-09-2002, 10:00 PM
if I ever think about buying another black car. On top of the compelling urge to wash and Zaino it every day just to keep it looking good, I got stuck a couple of cars behind a city sanding truck today on the freeway. The thing hit a huge bump and dumped a giant lump of gravel out of the back. I was driving my son`s black Prelude and it sounded and felt like a meteor shower. Pitted the windshield and scratched the s**t out of the clear coat on the hood and front fenders. I was so busy trying to get off to the side and evade more damage that the SOB was able to take the next exit before I could catch up to take the truck number or anything. Went home, got out the 2000 grit, 3m Perfect-it and the PC 7424 and went to work. Thank goodness I put 3 heavy clear coats on the hood. After about 6 hours, it came out looking better than before even. Alas, the windshield is screwed, but I might be able to wangle something from the tightwads at my insurance agency.

04-09-2002, 10:09 PM
That sucks man. I hate that. I`ve been living in that for the last couple years. Salt Lake has been the land of the construction zone for the last, like, 5 years or something. Ever since they won the Olympic bid the freeways have been torn up and all you see are huge gravel trucks on the roads. It got to the point that the Department of Transportation had to set up a seperate line for vehicle damage claims. Everytime someone got a rock chip they would call the DOT and tell them it was done by such and such truck at such and such time and the DOT would pay up. It was a cash cow for many people... Not me of course.

...Not that I didn`t think about it though. ;)

04-09-2002, 10:25 PM
I`d hate to even think about trying to collect anything from the City of Omaha. Just recently I was looking at a used car that had been in an accident according to CarFax. CarFax gave the police report number so I went to the main police station downtown to look at the accident report. First I had to fill out an "information request" form that took about 20 minutes (all personal info on me) before they would talk to me. Then an old man spent half an hour searching thru police files on the computer, obviously trying to see if they could bust me for something, anything. After finding out that I was not a wanted felon, they asked me what information I needed. Although the CarFax even gave the exact date, time and police report number, they said they couldn`t find the report unless I could give them the names of the drivers of both vehicles involved in the accident. What a load of BS. I thought I was going to be arrested because I told them they were a bunch of D**k Heads! I had even called ahead before making the 40 minute drive thru traffic and had explained exactly what I was looking for and they told me no problem. Public servants my a**!

Steve @ Guru
04-09-2002, 11:56 PM
I couldn`t agree with you more, Dlw. Don`t even get me started on the subject of incompetence in the public service sector...I spent a fair share of time working for the government, and quit about 3 days before I would have gone insane from the overwhelming stupidity that surrounded me daily...

Worse yet, my job required me to work with "law enforcement" agencies...how do they find people that have no idea what a computer is, what it does, and that you don`t need to slap the monitor everytime it does something wrong???

We're Here
04-10-2002, 10:21 AM
If you have glass coverage <em class=`bbc`>and[/i] your view of the roadway is compromised due to the damage - a driving into the setting sun type deal - the insurance companies will replace the glass. In our case, we were referred to a glass shop, no one from the insurance company appraised the damage beforehand (USAA or Amica). YMMV, of course!

04-10-2002, 01:13 PM
Hey, dlw.... I was looking for your thread about the restoration you did on that car with the pictures and everything. Where did that go? When I search for your posts it looks like you only have a few of them. I was almost postive you had more than that. Where did all your old posts go?

We&#39;re Here
04-10-2002, 05:29 PM
<blockquote class=`ipsBlockquote` >

<em class=`bbc`>Originally posted by dlw [/i]
<strong class=`bbc`>if I ever think about buying another black car. [/b]</blockquote> Chaplain! Chaplain! We need a chaplain here!

04-10-2002, 06:07 PM
Snowman, when they did the board update and had all the problems I needed to do some posting and couldn`t so the only solution was to have the board management delete me and start over. That`s why I only show a few posts, because I`m the new guy now. I guess I really didn`t understand fully the consequences of starting over. The Autopia guys told me they hated to delete me, so I was warned, my own fault. I thought that only my number of posts would go to zero, I had no idea that all my old posts would be gone. The only post that really mattered to me was the Prelude before/after one, I was considering re-doing it but am afraid that it might be considered a dupe and upset folks. Also, with the new limitations of 1 pic per page it would make it pretty long. I could skirt the one pic per page by making a pic with before/after on one pic, but the size limitation would make them too small. If I`m hosting my own pictures on my personal ISP`s server, is there any hope of getting by with bigger pics? (Anyone?) No big deal, but your inquiry made me think about it a little.

04-11-2002, 09:00 PM
Snowman had asked about the "Rescue Mission" thread I had posted about spiffing up my son`s Prelude. I couldn`t find it so thought it had been deleted when I had to have myself deleted and re-registered on the Autopia board. Well, duh, just found the thread again under "Member Pictures" by doing a seach for "prelude". Don`t know why I couldn`t find it previously, but, sho` nuf`, there it is!