View Full Version : Where can I still get Rain-X wheel protectant in SFBA??

04-05-2002, 09:26 PM
I managed to grab the last one from a Kmart here about 2 months ago.

Used it twice so far on my BMW M68 double spokes treated with Z2.

Results: A lot less brake dust sticks to the wheels with the Rain-X applied than without it. The wheels just looked cleaner for an extended period without wash. When I wash it I found it easier to clean but result not dramatic in that regard. Still need to work with my trusty foam paint brushes to get to the tough stuff.

After the Rain-X dried the wheel lost some of the Z2 shine which is to be expected.

After all I like this product and would grab it when I see it again.....but I am not holding my breath.

Anyone still able to buy this product??

04-05-2002, 09:58 PM
West Marine sells it..off the top of my head there’s one in Sausalito, Oakland & Santa Clara. Check westmarine.com I think they have a store locator.


P.S. They also got stuff like FI2 and 303

P.P.S Doh....that`s for regular Rain-X sorry :(

04-05-2002, 11:14 PM
NO WAY :eek:

someone actually uses the stuff besides me, must be a dub thing ;)

all I do is rant and rave about it all by myself

do a search on rain-x wheel protectant and you will see me every time

anyways, I`m just excited, you made my day, haha

as for the stuff, go to rainx.com, I believe they don`t sell it anymore but of course they should around here (it`s a cleveland based company).

if you really want some, I can send it to ya.


04-06-2002, 12:06 AM
Plus it comes in one of the best spray nozzle I have ever used.

Steve, I have read your rant and rave before, just haven`t seen it at all until 2 months ago I bump into one in a Kmart. You can imagine my reaction at that time. I save guarded that precious bottle with my hand making sure I don`t ever put it down before I checkout at the cashier;)

04-06-2002, 07:39 AM
By coincidence, I stumbled on this tip for using 303 on CMA`s website:
<blockquote class=`ipsBlockquote` >

<strong class=`bbc`>Brake Dust: How to make your wheels repel brake dust & easier cleanup.[/b]

When treating your tires with 303, spray the wheels, too. Then wipe them completely dry with a soft, absorbent cloth. Wheels polished this way have a beautiful luster. And they will repel dirt, dust, grease, oil and road film to stay cleaner, longer. The best news is when the wheels do become soiled and need cleaning again, they`ll clean up much, much easier. Use 303 Aerospace Protectant regularly, keep your wheels looking great and save yourself a lot of time at cleanup. 303 Aerospace Protectant is 100% safe for all wheels, all alloys.
</blockquote>This makes me wonder if the discontinued Rain-X product was some type of PDMS formulation . . . regardless, perhaps 303 could be tried as a substitute? I`ve never used the Rain-X stuff, so I couldn`t compare the two products; however, I may try 303 with just one of my front wheels to compare treated/untreated.


04-06-2002, 08:49 PM
Sonus makes their acrylic QD which would claims to do similar stuff.

04-06-2002, 11:19 PM
Tort: Let us know how it goes if you do try out the 303 on the rims.

May be Z6 the wheel after a wash would help a bit too I believe.

04-08-2002, 07:21 PM
Funny you should mention it, but I happened to pick up a couple of bottles of Rain-X wheel protectant while I was in the mountains of NC. A department store called Roses had tons of bottles of the stuff, so I grabbed a couple at $2.50 a piece. I also got Turtle Wax Tire Gel at the same price. Roses rules!!

By the way, after about a week of using Rain-X wheel stuff, I find it better than Klasse on the wheels. Slightly but noticably less brake dust build-up, and cleaning is even easier than Klasse.

04-08-2002, 07:23 PM
Where was this roses?

04-08-2002, 07:28 PM
The one I went to is in Burnsville, North Carolina, not far from Spruce Pine and about 40 minutes from Ashville. I have seen one other one while driving, but I don`t know where it is, and it may have even closed down. The prices are ridiculously cheap, even cheaper than Wal-Mart. If I`m not mistaken, you live in Boone, which isn`t more than an hour away from Burnsville, but I may be wrong.

04-08-2002, 07:32 PM
Yeah...theres also a roses in Newland and its about a half an hour from me. I will hit it up next time im over that way.


04-08-2002, 08:46 PM
RXWP ;) is sorta like a topper for Klasse. KLasse gives the wheel a great base to work with, and the RXWP is sorta the "sacrifical" lubricated layer that prevents dust from sticking. You just wash of this sacrifical layer and the dust and dirt washes off with it. The Klasse is left behind allowing you to spray more RXWP right on top.

04-08-2002, 09:41 PM
Wow.....$2.50 a bottle is a steal.....My bottle cost me $5.99 and it wasn`t even full(My guess is someone brought it and tried it out and returned the bottle to Kmart).

It is a good product for its purpose and I wish they continue making it available.

04-08-2002, 09:59 PM
anyone need Rain-X Wheel protectant? Just came back from local auto store, and they were emptying an ENTRIE case of Rain-X Wheel Protectant, and Quick Shine.. Ill be glad to send anyone who needs it a couple bottle of Wheel Protectant.. they got plenty left..