View Full Version : Cat scratches, Bird Bombs, and QDs

03-31-2002, 02:59 AM
Okay.. here`s my situation. My car parks in the driveway, and gets bird bombs or cat scratches every other day. Yesterday while I was applying SG, I was thinking I should just leave the hood unwaxed (hood is where the damn cat jumps on most often), and whenever it scratches it I`ll use the SG to cover it up..

I`m under the impression that SG shouldn`t be topped with QDs with wax in it, that`s why I`m looking at the FI. But from reading the forum about QDs for the past hour, it seems that autopians love OGSO. I guess my questions would be:

-is SG covering a good idea? (I will still be Blitzing the sides of the car)

-what other non-wax QDs are out there? better than FI?

and sorry for the long post :o

03-31-2002, 09:51 AM
I think a QD with carnauba in it is ok as long as you wait a few days after you last used it and wash it 1st of course before another layer of SG. Wizards mist ‘n shine does an outstanding job on top of SG and has no carnauba. I’ve only used Clear Pearl, Mist ’n Shine and the Blackfire QD’s so far but I have to say I like Wizzie’s the best. I you do get it make sure you use it with a MF towel. The first time I used it was with a Fieldcrest cotton towel and it smeared and streaked bad. Tried again with the MF and it worked like a dream.


04-05-2002, 07:36 AM
It makes no sense to wax or seal just the side panels of your car. You need to protect your entire car from UV damage, elements, bird droppings, etc.. In fact if you look closely at most cars that have been damaged by the sun, it usually affects the hood and roof of vehicles. The Klasse Sealant Glaze is a great product and has been the most talked about and used sealant here over the last 3 years. As far as a quick detailer, most of us who use Klasse use any quick detailer that we like. You only need to not quick detail your car with a product with carnauba in it just PRIOR to applying another coat of Klasse SG on to your car. Most here rave about One Grand Show Off, Eiman Fabrik Clear Pearl, Eagle One`s quick detailer and even Meguiar`s Final Inspection. Laters

04-05-2002, 11:07 AM
If you are looking for a quick detail spray that is readily available and contains no carnauba, I`d suggest you try Eagle One`s quick detail spray. It usually sells for about $4.00 per bottle and I have been pleased with it as alternative to Clear Pearl.

Personally, I do not like Meguiar`s Final Inspection at all. I had some hanging around from a while ago, and I`m just using it up on the wheelwells and running boards when needed...to me, it does not perform well enough for use on the finish.

How about a cover for your car? That may help to alleviate some of your problems.