View Full Version : Zaino ZFX question

03-30-2002, 09:34 AM
I have been reading on this board for a while how great zaino zfx is but i have one question on exactly how you use it since when i looked at their order form is says the size is 2ml. From what i understand already, you add this to z-2, z-3, z-5 to speed cure time on your car`s surface? is that correct? also, how much are u adding? for example, if i buy some zfx and some z-5, do i treat the entire z-5 bottle when i get it or do i get some other smaller applicator bottle (i`ve seen topics on those earlier) to put a little bit of z-5 in and a small ammount of zfx? I think i`m on the right path, but not entirely sure, i just want to know exactly what i need to get for my car and how to use them properly because when i was reading the zaino website i didn`t think it made total sense. any help would be great, thanks again.

03-30-2002, 10:15 AM
From the pictures I see Zaino ZFX comes ina little kit with 4 or so 2 oz. bottles and the 2 mL vial of ZFX. Only 10 drops of ZFX are needed to treat 2 ounces of Z-2/Z-3/Z-5. You would mix it in the supplied 2 oz bottles. You must use the treated Z within 12 hours or so because the additive (ZFX) makes the Z cure much faster than regular Z.

If the instructions are followed (1 ounce of Z and 5 drops ZFX or 2 ounces Z and 10 drops ZFX) the 2 mL of ZFX should treat 16 ounces of Z.

Most coats of ZFX+Z5 in one day )24 hours) is three.

A whole 8 ounce bottle of Z treated with ZFX, hmmmmmm good for a detailer wanting to Zaino five cars at once with 3 coats each (total 15 coats :eek: )

Hope this helps,


03-30-2002, 11:24 AM
thanks man, that makes more sense to me now. now to place that initial order.....

03-30-2002, 10:23 PM
To expand just a bit, 10 drops is max. I`ve been using 4 per oz.. Since I do not always want to put three coats (per oz) on, I have been using Z the old fashion way in between ZFX applications. You`ll be pleased.

03-30-2002, 10:29 PM
i know this may sound stupid but u just said u use Z the old fashion way inbetween ZFX applications, what do u mean? How i just read that statement makes me think u are applying ZFX to the car somehow? i swear, i can`t wait til i figure out this how system works so i stop sounding like a newbie.

03-30-2002, 11:00 PM
Likecars means the old fashion way by not adding the ZFX to the Z2/Z3/Z5. Using it straight from the bottle.

The benfit of the ZFX is that the cure time (cross linking of the polymers) is speed up so you can layer on three coats in a day (this is the limit before the surface gets gummed up from too much Z, heard people getting more than 3 coats per day but that was when it was hot and dry.)

So some people may initially ZFX+Z5 or ZFX+Z2 three coats in one shot, then every week or every other week wash with Z-7, Z-6, then Z-2 or Z-5 without ZFX. Only once coat can be done in 24 hours though and you must wait for the Z to dry, maybe 30-60 minutes.

If you have more time, whip out the little bottles with ZFX then layer away.


03-30-2002, 11:13 PM
Sorry about that, it occured to me it may not be clear when I typed that. Jason said it perfectly (Nice job on that Corolla Jason).

I am also stretching out my Zfx by using it on some coats and not others.

03-30-2002, 11:14 PM
cool, i get it now. thanks a bunch guys.

03-30-2002, 11:15 PM
Thanks Likecars (ugh, now I gotta go open that Corolla thread darn 56K modem!) :o
